Gas Station Bath Rooms
Gas Station Bath Rooms
No, this has nothing to do with any congressmen or senators, at least not directly. I found my limit on my way home from chicago this weekend, and I was wondering at what point would you decide that the sweat from your own junk will leave your hands cleaner than washing and drying your hands in the sink, and does this change if you are also going to eat during this stop?
How you compare may not be as important as to whom you are compared
when confronted with nasty bathrooms, i use paper towel (or barring that tp) to turn on the faucet, and open the door (the filthiest part of a bathroom is the handle on the door). Of course, a carefully crafted toilet paper cover for the toilet seat is mandatory when taking a dump (others prefer standing on the seat and squatting in native american fashion). And god forbid, you didn't eat your fiber and plop a solid one into the bowl (as it will send up a jet of water to splash your bunger).
if its possible to get out without having to touch ANYTHING other than your own wang, then I usually go for that option. No point in going near that nasty sink unless you have poo on your hands.
And definitely hit the paper towel dispenser thinger before washing your hands so you can use it to turn off the water and not get the sink slime on your freshly cleaned hands.
Then use the finishing paper towel to open the door, and for bonus points, throw the paper towel in the trash while opening the door in one smooth motion while you nimbly dance out of the door.
And definitely hit the paper towel dispenser thinger before washing your hands so you can use it to turn off the water and not get the sink slime on your freshly cleaned hands.
Then use the finishing paper towel to open the door, and for bonus points, throw the paper towel in the trash while opening the door in one smooth motion while you nimbly dance out of the door.