preach on brothers preach on. you may have to yell a little louder to make sure the sound carries down to the shorties.
what seems weird to me is the people that are actually really short, like merrick, boland and a few others, hardly ever blame not sending on being small. they work and work to find a way to do the problem. i wont name any names, wes, that just whine and cry all day long about being too short to do a move but in all reality are as tall as most that have ticked the route.
What routes are easier if you are short
to me the whole being shorter= lighter routine is inaccurate. Most shorter people tend to be stocky, myself or even more of an example would be shannon. so is the weight difference really so much? also a taller person who weighs more seems to be carrying more muscle to support said weight so wouldn't this balance out to some extent.
my theory is climbing tends to balance out the differences in body through differences in style. sure there are always routes that are easier if you are taller, but i can genuinely think of ones that are also easier if shorter. its all in balance.
easier if shorter for example:
urban voodoo
golden touch (going out on a limb for this one probably because most would say the lower crux is harder for short, wont argue that but the upper crux is pretty much non existant also for short people as the feet tend to stay good)
my theory is climbing tends to balance out the differences in body through differences in style. sure there are always routes that are easier if you are taller, but i can genuinely think of ones that are also easier if shorter. its all in balance.
easier if shorter for example:
urban voodoo
golden touch (going out on a limb for this one probably because most would say the lower crux is harder for short, wont argue that but the upper crux is pretty much non existant also for short people as the feet tend to stay good)
He is short.
Kafish you are forgeting that tall folks not only weigh more, but have to fight that weight plus horrible leverage. Many people even forget about finger length being a disadvantage because of leverage.
Any weight lifter will agree that height is a disadvantage because your not only does you leverage stink, but you have to push the weight further. Just look at Mariusz Pudzianowski for an example. He is very short and completely dominates the world strongest man competition.

I completely agree that there are some height dependent lines if you are very very short, but I am tired of people continually saying that my height is some sort of extreme advantage on a daily basis, when in fact it is the opposite. Short people have a million excuses, and smell like cabbage.
Kafish you are forgeting that tall folks not only weigh more, but have to fight that weight plus horrible leverage. Many people even forget about finger length being a disadvantage because of leverage.
Any weight lifter will agree that height is a disadvantage because your not only does you leverage stink, but you have to push the weight further. Just look at Mariusz Pudzianowski for an example. He is very short and completely dominates the world strongest man competition.

I completely agree that there are some height dependent lines if you are very very short, but I am tired of people continually saying that my height is some sort of extreme advantage on a daily basis, when in fact it is the opposite. Short people have a million excuses, and smell like cabbage.
Living the dream