Including a photo from Album in forum post

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Including a photo from Album in forum post

Post by weber »

Probably my bad, but couldn't get a photo from the album to come up in an forum post. Any suggestions?



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Post by Jay »

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Post by dhoyne »

HTML is your friend, Rick.
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Post by krampus »

Don't worry rick, you are not the only one.

Just out of curiosity, does the format above work if the picture is stored on you home computer.
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Post by Meadows »

I recommend starting an account with with a free photo album service like Flikr, Shutterfly or Photobucket. I use photobucket and below each picture, there are links to copy (link to photo, HTML tag, and IMG tag). You'll use the IMG tag to post images here.

PS Your link didn't work because it goes to a page, not an image. Your link should end with an image file extension (e.g. .jpg, .gif, .bmp)
Last edited by Meadows on Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by cushman »

It's a problem with the question mark. The BBS software doesn't like a question mark (parameter) in the URL for the image. You'll have this problem with Flickr, too unless you modify the image URL. Example:

Linking with ... df4bd3.jpg

Linking with ... d3.jpg?v=0

Fortunately, Flickr's ?v=0 doesn't matter, so you can leave it off.
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Post by tomdarch »

krampus wrote:Don't worry rick, you are not the only one.

Just out of curiosity, does the format above work if the picture is stored on you home computer.
Simple answer: no

What's happening is that your post needs to include some code to tell peoples web browsers where to get the photo from a web server somewhere on the internet.

So, the first step is to put the photo on a web server where it can be accessed (like flickr, etc)

Then you take the URL (aka web address) that gets the photo (and only the photo) to display in your web browser, and put it in the code above in your post. (On a Windows computer, you can usually get this address by right clicking on the photo on a web page and looking at the properties - on a lot of web servers, this address will include a fair bit of gobledygook - thats the "?" discussion above.) This means that when people view the thread, their web browser pulls in the photo from that web server and puts it in the post where you want it.

I barely understand this well enough to get it to work after a bit of messing around each time I put photos in my posts. Expect a bit of trial and error with previewing your posts until you get the swing of it.
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Post by ReachHigh »

<img src="c:\Documents and Settings\ReachHigh\Desktop\coolpic.jpg"> isn't working.
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