stick clipping

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stick clipping

Post by rrgclimber »

what is the ethics on stick clipping. i saw a guy stick clip jump for joy all the way up. i say that if you cant clip the first bolt u should not be on that route. like to know what other people think.
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Post by pigsteak »

and away we go.....
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Post by Andrew »

its better then bailing. But only allowed on 13's and up or really chossy 12's
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Post by caribe »

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Post by enoch308 »

Are we talking about ethics or style? I don't think it is good form to be stick clipping your way every clip to the top. Getting started on some climbs is necessary sometimes. I would not be caught dead stick clipping all the way to the top. But maybe it is just none of my business how somebody else wants to climb.
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Post by JS »

Who really gives a shit. Were they having fun?
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Post by KD »

its kinda looked down on but something everybody has probably done. kinda like wackin'
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Post by bcombs »

I recently learned the art of stick clipping past a crux in order to work the moves on top-rope. I'll never leave a bail biner again. I used to have a rule that each trip out I would get on something hard for me at days end and then just bail when the tank was empty.

Now, I can save the money from the bailers to buy more ex-lax and soon I won't need to clip past the crux. :lol:
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der uber
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Post by der uber »

It's nothing to admire, but it beats leaving a bail biner, especially if it's a shorter route. I'd like to think people don't do that habitually, just when they're shut down and they just want to get their gear back or get the next bolt secure so they can figure the move out.

Not sure where ethics play into this - clearly there's no talk of a send when that's happenning, and I don't see a wear and tear argument (like it's bad to TR off the anchors).

People do it, and they should feel ashamed. Onlookers should say "boo, you are a weak little person of a climber."
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Post by caribe »

I will stick clip past the impassable (for me), and its ugly.
2 F-ing bad what whoever's opinion about that is.
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