Training with added weight...

Quit whining. Drink bourbon. Climb more.
the lurkist
Posts: 2240
Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2002 2:07 pm

Post by the lurkist »

and lurkist didn't you cripple yourself training with weights on your torture wall?

come over and train with me instead of slogging goes on yet another 12d, bitch.
I will show you how crippled I am. To quote the Snyde- "I'll work you like a 40 hour week!"
When I am done with you you won't be able to turn the key in the ignition.
"It really is all good ! My thinking only occasionally calls it differently..."
Posts: 25
Joined: Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:36 pm

Post by glbrady44 »

Two years ago me and two members of our team trained for a february climb up Mt. Washington by strapping on 50 - 60 lbs. packs and going up and down the wall
at the local gym 20 times a night 3 nights a week.
On the remaining nights of the week we would spend time on a stairmaster or a bike with those packs on. When we got to the real deal and in 3 feet of snow, the climb was not too hateful.
Man when we took those packs off we were walking up the walls like we had wings.

Resistence training can be hard on the joints especially if done wrong,but thats the price you pay to get stronger.
Now I know they are out there , but how many athletes have you seen that can still do in their 60's what they could do in their 20-40's ?

It's all part of getting older and none of us can avoid that no matter how much or little you train.
So climb with the weight.
You call him docta Jones lady!!
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