nice charlie..can you tell a difference?
my goals in February were to lose 15-20 pounds, and get back to my "real" climbing weight. I have lost 12-15, and hope to keep it off. once the serious running stops, however, this may not work. I like beer and swiss rolls too much.
I wanted to stop being afraid of routes (getting nervous and fidgety) right at my limit. Haven't tested this one yet.
I wanted to climb every sport route in Muir, so when the dog ban goes into effect, I can be fully ok with it. I think the Sanctuary and the Surf will prevent this one.
I wanted to back off my upper limit for the summer, and enjoy more moderate routes for the summer, while not using the heat and humidity as an excuse for not getting out. Check.
Goals (just checkin in)
My goals are the same as ever (outside of a couple needed breaks from climbing) - always try to do harder stuff then I can right now. Regardless of the number, always push the limit of what I can do. Try hard, fall and fail alot. Embrace the struggle, because that is what is fun to me.
"There is no secret ingredient"
Po, the kung fu panda
Po, the kung fu panda