I put up a website for the Roadside area (www.gfnp.org) that has a few commonsense rules and regs about using the Preserve. For those that don't know, Roadside is located on land owned by the Graining Fork Nature Preserve, LLC. In turn, this LLC has two members - myself and John Haight (the proprietor of Cave Run Bike and Outdoor Center).
All in all things have gone well and I thank the climbing community for taking care of Roadside and not abusing it. Most folks have been very considerate about keeping the place clean and not trampling it down.
We are very fortunate that you purchased Roadside and protected climbing there. Thank you, and thanks also for having common sense rules. I think most if not all climbers can even be counted on to follow them!
Great job, Grant!! Very happy to see the website and loved reading about the history! Thanks for all the hard work, legal and otherwise, you did to acquire this property and ensure climbing access. Joyce
'Darling, may I please be excused for a moment?
I have to shake hands with a very dear friend of mine, whom I hope to introduce you to after dinner.'
The polite way to excuse yourself and take a piss.
Re: the history page
Had dinner Sat Night with the chair of the physics department at Idaho State University. He was telling me what a great guy and what a character Martin Hackworth is. I guess Martin still climbs when he is not snowboarding. There is a crag/wall in town in Pocatello.