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Post by 512OW »

Pru wrote:
512OW wrote: If you own the cliff, you can do whatever you want with it. With people like you around, I'd suggest just closing it all.

Climbers put in bolts, brush off lichen that depend on the cliff to survive, destroy animal habitats, and then cover the rock with chalk.

We're the idiots if we think we are good to the environment. Chipping is minor compared to the other bullshit we pull...
Your post makes no sense. Of course a landowner can do whatever he wants on his property, but that doesn't mean anything and everything he chooses to do is right. If a landowner chips holds on a route, he is going to catch much deserved grief for it. Anyone who supports chipping by a landowner is a clearly a suck up.

The chipping issue has nothing to do with environmental impact. It also has nothing to do with cleaning a route, even aggressive cleaning. Chipping is what selfish fucks do to a route they cannot send in order to bring the climb down to their level. It's never okay.
You are just out of your mind. I never said it was "right". "Right" is an opinion.

Nearly EVERYTHING we use brings the route down to our level. Chalk, sticky rubber, hangdogging, brushing, bolts, hell... even a rope.

When in a public area, its nice to respect the concensus rules. When in a private area... the landowner makes the rules.
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Post by 512OW »

Buster wrote:Climbing is and always has been an adventure activity. Take that away and you have..... a place like Muir Valley. Blechhhhhhhhhhhh!
If you want safe, family fun go bowling.
When I want safe, family fun... I go sport climbing.

Cmon dude... an adventure activity??? Since when was sport climbing about adventure???
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Post by ashtray »

Last edited by ashtray on Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ashtray »

Last edited by ashtray on Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KD »

geez where do alll these private crag buyin' types come off thinkin they can do whatever they want with their land just because they paid money for it? then bannin' people and threatining to post their pms! and i still cant get them to sculpt a nice saint francis or a fuckin birdbath!!!!! i'm going back to the liberal side ive had enough of this religious conservative bullshit!
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Post by anticlmber »

Buster wrote:
mcrib wrote:just remember if you chip holds a lot of people will hate you forever.
Wait a minute. If I spent all my time worried about what people thought about me and if they hated me I would be all balled up in a corner rocking back and forth on my heals, moaning and whining.
No, fuck em. What matters is what I think about my climbing.
so then if you think chipping is fine, fuck everyone else's opinion on it. by your statement of, "what matters is my penis is small and fits nicely into a thimble so i don't scrape it on my sister's braces." but you don't chip, so fuck you and your climbing.

people won't hate you if you chip. because now they can climb the nose.
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Post by weber »

weber wrote:
Yes Liz saw the PMs. They were the basis for her post.

Do I have your permission to post my last PM to you? That will clear this up once and for all.

Because you declined to allow me to post my last PM to you (sent Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:19 pm) I will respect your request.

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Post by OZ »

I'm confused...I thought the landowner didn't do it. So, that means somebody else did it. But, nobody seems to be upset that "person x" chipped a hold - even though everyone is against chipping - unless the landowner does it. But, "person x" wasn't the landowner as has been stated earlier in the thread. Am I missing something?
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Post by Liz_Weber »

To clear up any misunderstandings, here is a simple statement of MV policy. Everyone must sign a release to climb at Muir. We have the option of either accepting or declining any release for any reason. Those who climb without signing and having their release accepted are “considered to be trespassers.â€
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Post by Artsay »

Funny...those rules kinda sound like ours on the board. In fact, there have been quite a few people that have proclaimed not wanting to visit this site anymore and POOF! just like that their account was deactivated (IP blocked, etc). You guys at least state it in your rules. We're not as fair.
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
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