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Post by McDowell »

Does anyone know if Garmin and the maps that they have are mac friendly? I have been looking into buying one for a while and can’t find any info about what operating systems they can be used with.

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I just received a Garmin GPS for my B-day and the software disk included has not for Mac printed on it. I purchased some additional mapping software for my PC which was PC specific. You may want to contact Garmin to see if they do have replacement software for Macs.

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Post by Mrs.climbeRPh »

I have a Garmin, and tried to use their software on my PC, and neither I nor the Garmin personnel could get it to run and it had to be returned. I have heard other complaints about Garmin's software. I like my GPS but I use other software. I used National Geographic TOPO for Utah. I found the coordinates to be off by up to as much as 200 ft, which was not good, but at least I new which side of the trail I was supposed to be on. I used Ozi Explorer (shareware) a program which ran my E-Topo software from Canada for Quetico Provincial Park (canoeing) and the coordinates were dead on - it rocked! I have gotten a new PC and the Garmin stuff was a few years ago, so it may be better now.
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