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Having problems with the board or the online guidebook?
Suggestions welcome.
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Post by climbboy »

I am totally ignorant about managers and programmers, and I think y'all do a kick ass job with this site.

I thought I would throw my suggestion into the pot while people are thinking about it.

Would it be possible to create a link from the photos that circulate on the home page to the route descriptions in the guide book?

If this is easy to do then sweet.

If not, then I understand.

Thanks again for all your hard work. You help me live vicariously while I wither away in grad school.

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Post by caribe »

I don't want to be presumptive, but this would be impossible to hardwire in the system. Getting this done would be dependent on users linking the pictures that they post to the online guide entry for the route (easy). I do the same thing as you though when I see a kick ass picture; I look at the route in the online guide.
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Post by climbboy »


On they've got it linked up that way, but I think the photos that are uploaded there are uploaded to the pages for the actual climbs not just in the "climbing photo thread" or whatever. Excuse my technical ignorance.

Oh well, I guess I will click my lazy ass over to the guide book and look things up.

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Post by SCIN »

It would be possible but there would have to be some identifier in the image (eg filename matches route name) or, as Caribe said, the user would have to manually specify the route. I'd rather just keep it as is since the upload option is already present in the route description.
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