Packable Food For Diabetics

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Packable Food For Diabetics

Post by Snowpuppy »

Hello All,
I've been thinking are any of us climbers out there diabetics or on the verg of being diagnosed as diabetics? I need ideas on food that will fit in a climbing pack that won't spoil (that way I don't have to carry a cooler full of food when I go climbing-besides peanut butter).
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear, such people become crazy-they become legends." ---Legends of the Fall
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Post by charlie »

I'm type 1 insulin dependent, have been for 17 years. I've been wearing an insulin pump for 8 or 9 yrs and with the pump the floor can drop out on me in a matter of minutes, just ask my partners.

So, the best thing I've found for hypoglycemia is juice. It's easily metabolized and comes in its own containers. One bottle can have any where from 30 to 70 gms of carbs so it the biggest bang for your buck in terms of what you need and what you have to carry. I'll keep some clif bars or peanut butter crackers to stabilize afterwards but that and the juice is generally all I ever take with me.

If you need any more beta feel free to stop me sometime. Diabetes is an ongoing, ever present hassle but nothing you can't deal with if you take a few precautions and keep a positive attitude. A very wise doctor told me once to not let my bad days get in the way of having good days. That's been helping me get through much more than just managing this disease.
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Post by Legion »

It's not exactly food, but you can find oral glucose packaged like a GU shot. Rite-Aid type stores stock them. Good to carry in case you do crash and you can stick a couple of them in a pocket on for long routes.
Posts: 262
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2004 1:59 am

Post by Snowpuppy »

Thanks, but what about those that produce too much sugar?
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear, such people become crazy-they become legends." ---Legends of the Fall
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