Wolfpen Wilderness

Access, Rehab Projects, Derbyfests and more...

Should the Wolfpen and Gladie areas be added to the Clifty Wilderness?

Yes, these are areas of outstanding wilderness quality.
No, the Draft DBNF Plan idea of maintaining these areas as they are is fine.
No, Wilderness means no bolting. CLimbers need to develop these areas into sport crags and grid bolt every climbable square foot.
Total votes: 15

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Joined: Fri Jan 24, 2003 9:16 pm

Post by Gothmog »

The FS doesn't maintain a lot of things they should. Except when it comes to climbing.
captain static
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Joined: Mon Oct 07, 2002 6:05 pm

Post by captain static »

I hear that. When I was down for Derby Fest, I hiked up to D. Boone Hut w/my dog. Dirt under the fence to protect this arch site had either been eroded away or had been dug away so that somebody could crawl under. I'm sure that from the FS standpoint they would like to do more but lack the funds. Maybee Johnny's idea of the Gorge being a National Park isn't that bad if it would bring more money for the maintenance of the area?
"Be responsible for your actions and sensitive to the concerns of other visitors and land managers. ... Your reward is the opportunity to climb in one of the most beautiful areas in this part of the country." John H. Bronaugh
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Post by hamsco »

If you look at a map of the gorge proper, I think the % of land within the Clifty wilderness is about right when compared to the rest of the area. We need to have different areas for multi uses,incuding wilderness. I think the ratio in the gorge is about right and adding wilderness would not help the overall picture.
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Post by Lucinda »

I'd say sock it away. We will be happy for it in the future.
"real life bleeding fingers..."
Wicked Tribe
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Post by Wicked Tribe »

I just plan on moving out west anyway. The east sucks.
Do Not Spray Next 300 Feet
captain static
Posts: 2438
Joined: Mon Oct 07, 2002 6:05 pm

Post by captain static »

When looked at in the limited perspective of the RRG Geologic Area, the Clifty Wilderness (11,985 acres) comprises about 41% of the RRGGA. The Wolfpen Roadless Area is 4,816 acres and if added to Clifty, the Wilderness would then be 51% of the RRGGA. However, when looked at in the perspective of the entire DBNF, the Clifty and Beaver Creek Wilderness Areas compise 2.4% of the forest. Adding the Wolfpen Roadless Area would increase this to 2.8%.
"Be responsible for your actions and sensitive to the concerns of other visitors and land managers. ... Your reward is the opportunity to climb in one of the most beautiful areas in this part of the country." John H. Bronaugh
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