An Inconvenient Utility Bill
In the article I saw (one linked from Drudge), the group in TN that released the information claimed that they got it from the utility in Nashville....but the electric company said that it had not received any requests for the information and had not released any. Who knows if the numbers are legit or not, but one has to think that a house that big would have some whooping utility costs.
I'm an experienced woman; I've been around... well, alright, I might not've been around, but I've been... nearby.
~ Mary Richards (Mary Tyler Moore Show)
~ Mary Richards (Mary Tyler Moore Show)
I don't know of any american politician who promotes killing brown people. But I do know of a bunch of hypocritical politicians who promote environmental awareness, so I guess you can hardly go wrong.
Oh, I get it, you think the primary goal of the "war on terror" (stupid politically correct name meant to appease dhimmis) is to kill brown people. Jesus, how dumb's it going to get?
Oh, I get it, you think the primary goal of the "war on terror" (stupid politically correct name meant to appease dhimmis) is to kill brown people. Jesus, how dumb's it going to get?
Last edited by Day on Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
oh I am sorry, I meant to say "stealing brown peoples oil and make a few of my buddies companies a fortune in the process, all this after shysting out of the war I was supposed to be a part of" I suppose calling him hypocritical is bit wrong as he did all this blatantly in front of the entire American audience without really being questioned until it was way too late. I guess we were to busy with the fear of those muslim terrorists who were raised with an "ideology of hate" (who happen to be predominantly brown) to notice.
How you compare may not be as important as to whom you are compared
This doesn't make any sense. Dhimmis, are non-Islamic people living under Islamic rule. Unless you're using it in the context that floats around at Free Republic, like "dhimmicrat".Day wrote:Oh, I get it, you think the primary goal of the "war on terror" (stupid politically correct name meant to appease dhimis)
Republicants, Democrat Party, FemNazis, NeoConvicts, Democants, Repugnicans, ....of course anyone who objects to those is "the PC crowd".
That's the stuff of intelligent debate for sure.
War on Terror is stupid I agree. So now the term belongs to the democrats?

The executive branch is run by a bunch of fools. Their half-baked policies, foriegn and domestic, seem to rely awfully heavily on perception, and they've chosen manipulating language and have PR nitwits coining terms as their strong suit? Pretty weak stuff considering the leader can barely speak.
Stealing the brown mans oil is so cliche, come up with something a little more creative. Alan Evils comics at'least are mildly amusing at times.krampus wrote:oh I am sorry, I meant to say "stealing brown peoples oil and make a few of my buddies companies a fortune in the process, all this after shysting out of the war I was supposed to be a part of" I suppose calling him hypocritical is bit wrong as he did all this blatantly in front of the entire American audience without really being questioned until it was way too late. I guess we were to busy with the fear of those muslim terrorists who were raised with an "ideology of hate" (who happen to be predominantly brown) to notice.
Show me proof that we have pulled one illegal barrel of oil out of that country and put your money where your mouth is. Now don't get me wrong, Bush is an idiot, but wheres all the oil he's stolen??? And as far as the Brown man is concerned, fighting has gone both ways since before the continents divided. There will always be war, it is inevitable, human beings will never coincide 100% peacefully. Too many human traits keep us at each others throats, so your war on the brown man is just another in the long string of conflicts that plague mankind. In a few years/months we will probably be killing the yellow man too, what will your slogan be for that one????
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.....
Gulliver, If you don't understand why I refer to those who refuse to see the war against radical, violent, expansionist Islam as anything other than a "War Against Brown People", motivated by a desire to "steal their oil", as dhimmis (referring to dhimmitude, not democrats), then there's no point in trying to explain it to you.
Gunslinga, when we start fighting the yellow people my slogan will reflect the underlying reason we are there in the first place. Just because the oil thing is cliche, does not mean it is not true. Would we give a damn about anything happening in the middle east if there was no oil there. To refine that last statement....if there was no oil that the russians and the yellow people would also like to have. No, we have not stolen any oil, but yes we are over there because they have oil, because we armed them back in the 70's to help fight russia who was trying to fight them to gain control of the oil piplelines. would they have any weapons, would they have any means at all to become a nuclear power if we did not enable them to due to theire geopolitical goldmine they happen to be living on. No, any genocide against dhimmis would be treated like those in darfur. Now give me the bullshit about how they are not our biggest supplier of oil, well where do we go when our biggest suppliers run out. We tree huggers say that no one is thinking of the future, not true, we are thinking of the future, thefuture of the oil industry. And if you want to talk about cliche, radical, violent, expansionist islam is getting a bit cliche, weapons of mass destruction are getting a bit cliche. If you want to justify the war to me, tell me it is to secure our way of life for the future by securing our share of the presious oil that they "control", I may not agree with you, but at least we will be arguing reality.
If oil has nothing to do with us being there, then I will vote republican in this election.
If oil has nothing to do with us being there, then I will vote republican in this election.
How you compare may not be as important as to whom you are compared