An Inconvenient Utility Bill

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Post by climbboy »

I guess I'll second the call against the red-herring/Ad hominem attacks regarding Al Gore's personal behavior.

The argument as it currently seems to be unfolding is the following:

Al Gore brings people's attention to global warming, a grave and important issue.

Al Gore has a large house that requires lots of electricity.

Therefore, the issue that Al Gore argues for has no validity.


Besides the logical fallacy embedded in this argument, I guess I would take Al Gore with his big electric bill spending lots of money to convince people to consider the environmental impact of our fossil fuel economy over the guy driving the Hummer with a support the troops sticker.
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Post by krampus »

thank you climbboy
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Post by GWG »

Well thank God he's an environmentalist and takes every energy saving tip to heart while at home. You know, not leaving lights on when leaving a room, turning down the thermostat by a degree or two. Well in his case, all of his thermostats! Lets not forget changing out those old light bulbs for the new, longer lasting, lower energy consumption ones.

Imagine the size of his utility bill if he weren't! :idea: It would probably be half again as much for a house that size.

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Post by rhunt »

pigsteak, you took the bait of my last post...enough said

climbboy, I agree completely, well said. I'll just add: Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water here. Yes Gore is a weathly person with all his comforts. There is not a person on this planet that lives in perfect intergity with what they "preach". I am glad Gore has brought global warming into our(average american) consciousness and has gotten people to discuss the issue. It would be nice if he could practice what he preaches, yet that's probably not likely.

BTW...I am not endorsing Gore to run again for President again. He already won the vote once, its not likely to happen again... :wink:
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Post by tripper »

It is hard to fathom how people defend their own fleecing. The Clintons, The Gores, and James & Tammy Faye Baker are all the same. They were able to be charismatic enough to get the airwaves and stand on their soapboxes. Not to help the little guy, but to take their money. If they were truly trying to help the little guy and gals, they would not have become multi-millionaires. They could live modestly and use the funds they generate to excell their cause and not their pocket books. That is the true fallacy and thus the fleecing. They will continue to fleece as long as people provide them with personal gain. Why do people live in such denial when their "so called" leaders are so flagrant? Go figure. Let them bleed you long and slow. I bet Bill Clinton sit in bed each night and laughs his ass off.
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Post by dmw »

the cause is a good one..... tripper, follow the advice of your own quote!
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Post by serial killer »

tripper wrote:It is hard to fathom how people defend their own fleecing. The Clintons, The Gores, and James & Tammy Faye Baker are all the same. They were able to be charismatic enough to get the airwaves and stand on their soapboxes.
Your right, Al Gore has one of the most charismatic, captivating, non-dry, non-monotone personalities that i have ever encountered.
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Post by Day »

No Climbboy, you've got it all wrong. The point is that global warming is a serious issue, that requires a serious response. If the most fervent True Believer can't bring himself to tone down his carbon spewing lifestyle a bit, how can he expect others to pay the price he is unwilling to pay himself? Gore's a hypocrite, and though he may succeed in deluding himself that he's part of the solution rather than a super-sized example of the problem, he's not fooling me.
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Post by dmw »

has anyone heard about this TN Center for Policy Research? Think I read something about their pres coming from AEI, the largest and best funded "think tank" on issues concerning, among other things, global warming. Who funds AEI? Exxon Mobile. like I said already, last gasp, pathetic neo-con smearage
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Post by Day »

dmw - It is my understanding that Gore's utility bill is not in dispute. Are you suggesting that somehow Exxon Mobile fudged the figures?
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