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Post by Josephine »

I'm sure many of us purchase from Amazon.com. Couldn't we do this?


Now you can support climbing just by reading a book!

When you click on a book below and buy it from Amazon.com, Amazon will donate 15% of the price to the SCC. In addition, if you use the search engine at the bottom of the page or any of the links here to get to Amazon before buying any book, CD or Video, the SCC will still get 5% of anything you buy once you get there. Either way, your price remains the same. All proceeds go to help the SCC stay up and running!

Credit card transactions are secure and handled by Amazon.com. Thanks for the help!
Posts: 2445
Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2003 1:49 am

Post by Paul3eb »

good find and it's an idea that i've thought would be awesome. i've just been trying to figure out how it benefits the business.. what's their side of it, why should they do it? apparently, there's a decent enough reason if amazon is joining in. something definitely worth looking into and maybe getting a hold of whoever helped spearhead this in the scc.

i know rro had something going on with mgear.com for a while that gave 5% of purchases to the coalition. is that still open? if so, what's the code/deal that we have to use to make sure the 5% gets donated?

also, as a recommendation, stone crusade is excellent..
and great loves will one day have to part -smashing pumpkins
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Post by gulliver »

I think this is what you're talking about. A lot of sites do it and apparently you have decent control as to how much it clutters up the site and to what is advertised.

http://affiliate-program.amazon.com:80/ ... iates/join
captain static
Posts: 2438
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Post by captain static »

I'll pass this idea on to the RRGCC Board and webmaster. Thanks for the suggestion.
"Be responsible for your actions and sensitive to the concerns of other visitors and land managers. ... Your reward is the opportunity to climb in one of the most beautiful areas in this part of the country." John H. Bronaugh
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Post by longlegsrule »


If you have questions about AZ please let me know, my company is very unique in our relationship with them.

Here's a place to start

http://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/join :wink:
From Kentucky ;o)
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