Zspider wrote:...Since 9/11 it has been taboo in the movie and tv industry to show Muslim terrorists in a bad light. Usually they aren't the terrorists at all.
If the Muslim terrorists aren't terrorists...?
I think what would be correct to say is that "it has been taboo to show Muslims in a bad light." You seem to imply that all Muslims are terrorists. Though I doubt that is what you
meant to say, I think you've said what you and too many Americans
think: Muslims are all Terrorists.
Just to be on the record with this, I've read the Koran (fucking awful translation too) and Islam is just plain fucked up in my opinion. Way too much killing of infidels, stoning of women, blood, and restrictions on eating. You can kill a woman for just about anything in Islam if you squint hard enough, just like a certain type of Christian thinks it's ok to kill other people and to hate everyone that doesn't
Besides all that, most muslims are just regular people that talk funny. They've got bills to pay, children to feed, hopes, sorrows, and stinky feet.
Now before we invaded Iraq there were probably a few tens of thousands of nutjob Islamist Extremists that felt they were at war with "The West." This is out of how many
billions of Muslims in the world? Y'know, the Crusades were carried about by a few tens of thousands of wacko Christians against a few million people in the "Holy Land." We had a few tens of thousands attacking hundreds of millions of Americans and
billions of people that make up The West.
Anyway, I'm confusing threads.
How long did it take for a Viet Nam movie to come out of Hollywood? This war is every bit if not more complicated. I think most people think that the 9/11 movie came out too soon (by the way, weren't the Muslim terrorists in that pretty awful?) and here we are still fighting a war that has this country deeply divided, with most people being against it.
I've said this many times and I'll say it again. We shouldn't be fighting a war against the terrorists. We should be hunting them down like the criminals they are and either killing or capturing each last one. Notice that that's kind of what 24 is modeled on.
[size=75]You are as bad as Alan, and even he hits the mark sometimes. -charlie
"Not all conservatives are stupid, but most stupid people are conservative." - John Stuart Mill[/size]