Both of these groups are fucking USELESS. I have been trying to get registered with the state as an EMT. Im - fucking - possible. I also need to get some "help me pee" medicine and all the fucking hippies don't know how to use a phone. I feel like the principal in breakfast club. No, better yet Dark Helmut from Spaceballs. I'm surronded by ASSHOLES. YOU FUCKING HIPPIES NEED TO MAKE A SOY BOMB AND TAKE IT TO FRANKFORT AND BLOW YOURSELVES AND GOVERNMENT WORKERS UP. You bastards SUCK MY BALLS!!!!
maybe, no, no, ??? what the fuck is neo-con?, and big NOPE on the god blee merca. Freak. i'll give you that one. Suspciously French huh. Thats worse then the fuckin hippies and shit.