The passing of my good friend, Mason Allen.

Access, Rehab Projects, Derbyfests and more...
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Post by longlegsrule »

so I got home tonight (around 12:30)...and turned my computer on...guess who's name I see signed on my buddy list...

he's been on for over two I took the time to tell him what he meant to me...and that I was sorry in general for not getting back to my friends like I should for instant messages...voicemails...emails etc...

I'm going to try to get better at getting back to people...never know when it might make a difference...
From Kentucky ;o)
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Post by kharvey »

As Jr's girlfriend (and virtually roommate), I was able to become acquainted with Mason over the past eight months. Mason always was an inspiration to me in the climbing world. I would love going to the Gorge and just watching Mason and the boys climb. Mason had amazing talent and also amazing patience. Mason helped teach me how to climb. I remember telling Jr a few weeks ago that I felt most comfortable when Mason or he belayed me. I trusted them the most. I would go to the climbing gym with Mason and Jr often. Mason would spot me and cheer for me when I reached a new move on the bouldering wall. My skill level is far from Mason's, but he always seemed delighted to take the time to help me improve.

Over Thanksgiving, Mason and Jr took my family out to Muir to teach my brother how to climb and to show my parents what we do. Mason always watched over the beginners. When Jr would look down, Mason immediately looked up. They had a bond that is only found in brothers. My parents have told me over and over how special it was that Mason and Jr gave that day to them. My mom told me she saw the little girl inside of me that day that she hadn't seen in a long long time.

Thanks Mason for your help. Every time I climb I will think of you and you will be my motivation (you always were). I think you will be for all of us. Because the higher we climb, the closer we are to heaven. And the closer we are to heaven, the closer we are to you, Mason. We miss you dearly.

Kristin Harvey
Last edited by kharvey on Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Crankmas »

thank you for sharing that it was very lovely and heartfelt
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Post by maine »

It always saddens me to hear of a loss within the climbing community. I do not think I ever met Mason but do know many of those he climbed with and am very sorry for their loss.
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Post by charlie »

Mase's memorial thread is not the place for people who know very little about the situation (even if they knew anything about the man) to offer their insight/opinion.

Posts have already been deleted out of respect for those of us who were very close to him.

Anyone can feel free to contact me.
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Post by soccerfast007 »

I have been blessed to share a wall with Mason and sleep no more than 6 feet away from him for the past year. Mason was the epitome of what a roomate should be, in a word: Endearing.

Now there are plenty battles over the bathroom, and general upkeep that could strain a friendship among roomies, however mason's ability to live by the saying "don't worry about it" and his easy laid back character made him an amazing roomate. It didn't matter, companionship with unconditional love is the way i'd describe our relationship, and his unbelievable patience. I just began climbing last march and mason never tired of sharing beta and discussing videos' magazines, autiobio's i'd read (lynne hill) or coming up with stupid hangboard problems, and countless trips (on bike and in the car) to the johnson center to boulder. His life was a shining example of how to live for the moment and celebrate good friendships regardless of the situation.

He also allowed me to catch him on lead anything up to 11 in grade because he said he wasn't coming off, and if he was he didn't care to take a whipper, his support encouraged me to make climbing my obsession ever since.

Short roomie story. My girlfriend was always amazed how i could simply relax on the couch while mason lay on the other couch watching 3 channels at one time. This particular night mason was sharing his Television time between WWF wrestling, football, A program on OXYGEN (10 things i hate about you), and our house favorite COPS. we'd talk, he'd constantly flip channels, and afterward Andrea said that was the funniest thing she'd ever seen. How can someone have such diverse interests and put up with talking to me answering questions w/o sacrificing his "shows" (anything on MTV, animal planet, MXC, wrestling, Jean Claude VAN DAM flicks) he was simply content to soak it all in. I loved that.

My mason climbing story in brief. Roughly my 4th trip to the gorge, Sco, Dking, Mason and I are climbing a 2 pitch route somewhere in Muir, i believe it is called "heard it on NPR", "spider crux" regardless it is overhanging, a solid 10b/d and pumpy as hell ifyou are as gumby as i. After Sco cruised the first pitch, i struggled (probly 5+ hangs) to unclip and reclip to get to the wonder ledge that he belayed me from (very kind and patient of him as i chucked my way to the top). Mason followed me carrying supplies including a quart of water and after grabbing the anchors to move onto the ledge said: "damn i need to get in shape" (which is a lie, he was always fit imo). Here's the fun part. After sco set the route up mason wanted to lead it, then i'd attempt and DK would clean. well Sco notices a small bee's nest near the 2nd bold of this the second pitch, and tells everyone it is there, but vacant, no worries. Well mason gets going and right near where Sco warned and immediately yells "wasp" and down climbs/jumps back to hang and talk things over. David reminds him that sco checked it out and there is nothing to worry about. To which Mason replies "well scobro doesn't have my peripheral vision" i almost died laughing, as did Dave. In order to give me ashot at TR'ing the route Mason pulled himself together to get past the flying buggers, shaking more than Dave had ever seen him pulling through the easier section of this climb. From that day on whenever we needed t see something that was past our periphery, we asked mason who had the super power "periperal vision" and could use it for the good of humanity (which he did) spotting spider (always "jumpers") and bees protecting us from unexpected ambush countless times.

He always wanted others to be happy, and i will remember my friend as one whose only concern was that those around him were happy, he was not selfish, and gave generously of himself in any situation. God bless you mason, have fun climbing in the clouds and taking massive whippers I'll see you someday.
"well Sco doesn't have my peripheral vision" - mason allen reminding us all that our peripheral vision often overlooks creepy crawlers and flying things.
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Post by michaelzr2 »

I've known Mason for about 2 years now and I feel privelaged for knowing him and being able to climb with him. Whether we were just climbing at the Johnson Center or at the Red, climbing with him was always a good time.

One of my favorite Mason stories starts out last summer when he and I went climbing at Torrent. On this particular ocassion he and I were climbing Receiver. Mason put up the route and did it with a couple of hangs. As he usually would he gave me a couple of attempts on the route even though it was above my ability. After I flailed and hung on the route for what seemed like forever, Mason decided he would go for the redpoint. After casually cruising the beginning moves he made it to the no hands rest and proceeded to shake out and take advantage of the break. During this time he scoped out the rest of the route and using his great peripheral vision managed to spot what appeared to be a was buzzing around 15 feet above him. As soon as he saw it, he informed me that "if that wasp comes near me I'm taking the whip. I just going to jump off and take the whip." This worried me somewhat because he outweighed me considerably and I would no doubt be hitting the first bolt. In my 21 years, I have never seen anyone that was as terrified my wasps as Mason. Long story short, he finished the route and the wasp turned to be a cricket. I, as any good friend would do, never let him live it down.

Another Mason started out as many do with me waiting in the parking lot for him to show up. Mason seemed to always be fashonable late. This time it was in the parking lot for Muir Valley. When he finally showed up he threw his gear into his pack and we hit the trail for the Solarium. As we walked in, we talked of big whips, sends, and adventures from the night before. When we arrived at the Solarium, Chris and his brother we waiting and alredy several pitches down. As we unpacked our gear, mason discovered that the only thing he managed to pack was his trad rack. We were climbing sport that day, so that wasn't going to be of much use. Chris offered to loan mason his harness and shoes but Mason would have no part of it. So mason made the long trek back to his car to get his stuff. This was just a normal day climbing with Mason. When he returned, the rest of the day went as any normal climbing day would. We sent some routes, shot the bull, and eventually made it back to Miguel's for some cold Ale8's and the end of the day pizza.

I'm glad I had the opportunity to know him and I wish I would have been able to climb with him more than I did. Thanks for the good beta, the soft catches, putting up with my bad lead head, and always inspiring me to climb hard. You will be greatly missed and may you rest in peace.
"There's nothin' as dirty as money."
-Goose Creek Symphony
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Post by ladylorien »

Hey Boo, your dad told me this was the best place to find you. I just heard the news and i want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and friends. i know you all have a great love for Mason. You and your mom's stories about Mason's antics always crack me up. he will be greatly missed but deeply loved.
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Post by matt »

some West Virginia memories:






miss you Mason ~Ox
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Post by Lateralus »

Hottub, Beer, Babes hell no man i got to scope some lines!
That's a climber's climber right there
"Good things take time, impossible things take a little longer"
Percy Gerutty
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