yes, mostly choss, with lots of walking to find even a 20' band of good rock. my first climbing was on ky river limestone that was solid... but it's mostly not worth it.
[size=75]i may be weak, but i have bad technique[/size]
yah, our college owns alot of that land, apparently the outdoor program tried to develop some a while ago and the rock was incredibly chosse, but this summer if any one wants to scope it I live 5 min away and have legit access to land others don't. but i'm till may 26.
hey, if you yell to your belayer saying "why charles III, you are quite possibly the worst belayer ever" will he throw his tea on you?
what feanor means is that he is being gay in england reading lots of books untill may 26th.
and he's right. The college does own lots of the land, and most of it IS really chossy. I've been down that way a few times trying to see if anything looked good and It didn't look that way. Even if you found some it might be tricky getting to!
About thirty years ago a couple of friends took me to a spot on the palisades that they thought I just "had to climb". They weren't climbers, but they knew I was, and thought I'd be really impressed. I was, kind of. In this particular spot, the rock was steep, covered with small pockets (razor edged), and more or less solid. I dropped a rope down one of the cliff bands, rapped down, and climbed back up while one of my buddies belayed from above. It was fingery and strenuous, if short, but since I had no interest in bolting, I never went back.
If any of you ever had the pleasure of climbing limestome in any of the toprope areas near Yellow Springs, OH, this KY River rock was nowhere near as nice. But, if you ever have another big nasty winter back there, be sure to scope out the palisades for ice. I've seen photos that were kind of hard to believe.