Derby Fest and the weekend report

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Post by Guest »

oh hey, Gretchen, when will the CAC election results be posted? I stuffed the ballot after accepting bribes from one of the nominees (*coughBruisebrothercough*) and I'm curious to find out if it made a difference.
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Post by Gretchen »

I haven't talked to Shannon since Igot back but I will find out when they will be posted.

I am at my wits end as to how we can do a better job at marketing. So anyone with Marketing skills, please step forward!!
Just genuinely disengenuous.
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Post by Spragwa »

My experience with these are limited to raising money as a volunteer and member of youth organizations. The way we got the word out and raised seed money was by having raffles before events. A popular, inexpensive one was a 50/50 raffle. You sell tickets for $1 a pop and run it for 30-days. Then, you draw for a winner at the end of the 30 days. The group gets half and the winner gets the other half. It's cheesy but it's simple. It also requires effort for people to sell tickets and turn money in. Still, you can get a roll of tickets at Sam's club and it gets the word out while raising money. Just a thought.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

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Post by tomdarch »

I can't claim to have any real marketing skills, but I was thinking about the situation after we left the Fest and drove past a very crowded Miguel's. Because we knew about the event, we stopped and read the thing that was posted on the Kiosk at Miguel's, but I doubt that many other people did.

My first though would be to put together a big ass banner to put up at Miguel's. The word FREE would need to be prominent. Maybe post the PARTY aspect first and foremost, with the administrative issues as secondary. (Assuming that Miguel doesn't mind) Also, positing 'flyers' at the most crowded parking areas for crags would be a potentially good idea.

Regarding the Murray purchase, maybe there should be a big sign/banner up along the road just past the Motherlode parking explaining what's going on with the purchase.

As much as Red Bull annoys me, if they are interested in piggybacking with these events, they could be very valuable for promoting the 'hooks' that will get people to come.

I'm happy to help with the graphic design aspect of putting this sort of material together, so let me know if you need me!
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Post by Lateralus »

I was there and donated all the way from flatville Midwest! My hat's off to the RRGCC! It did seem poorly attended. Unfortunately, the prevention type mentality the RRGCC exhibits is not shared throughout the climbing community or humans in general for that matter. Most don't care to help until it's too late. I applaud your collective efforts and will do what I can to spread the word to any climbers I come across to donate to the cause.
"Good things take time, impossible things take a little longer"
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Post by Spragwa »

Here, here, TomDarch. They could also host smaller scale events at the climbing gyms. Perhaps the local gyms could donate one day to the RRGCC or something like that. Who knows? What about any corporate donor solicitations? With a movement this big, some larger donors might be interested. It wouldn't hurt to contact arcteryx, 5.10, etc. to see.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

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Post by Gretchen »

Thanks Lateralus! Any help is greatly appreciated!

PLease refer to the website to see the election results! Welcome all new CAC members and thank you for wanting to be apart of a significant role in the progress of the RRGCC!!!
Just genuinely disengenuous.

Post by Guest »

I like the ideas posted so far. In order to implement these, all it takes is for someone to step up to the task of putting it together. Any takers?

Another simple thing we can all do is consider redirecting the donations we typically make to other organizations/charities each year to the RRGCC for the land purchase this year. I know I will. I also usually donate a fair amount of property to the Salvation Army every year. This year I have decided I will step out of my comfort zone and have a yard sale (blech!) and donate that money as well.

On that note, perhaps we could have a climber yard sale at the Red sometime soon, where we all chip in some of that unused gear that we never pull out of the back of the gear closet anymore? Technical clothing, spare headlamps, stoves, those hexes you never use... we all have something.
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Post by Spragwa »

That's a great idea Lynne! CONGRATS on the Counsel! Woohoo! We're lucky to have you.

I will talk to my local gym about having a fundraiser and get back to you. I'm sure they'll be all for it!
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

Posts: 2064
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Post by Gretchen »

Great ideas people! Keep 'em coming!!! It's this kind of initiative that helps springs things into action which in turn creates results!!!
Just genuinely disengenuous.
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