2006 Resolutions

Movies, music, food, blood, dogs, Horatio.....
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Post by Spragwa »

Crankmas wrote:Paul, I will always have that image of you in RRO deligently sorting out the donated goods for the Climbers that Care get together, you are a good person don't harsh yourself, best of luck in the New Year
HAH! He was sorting those goods to take home. If RRO hadn't stopped him, the kids wouldn't have had any. Don't kid yourself, Paul is mean. And he lives with a "foul creature" as some have said. :wink:
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

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Post by JB »

Climb better and stronger
Be a better climber (in a different way than #1)
Reaquaint myself with the Red
Spend more time with some old climbing friends I've fallen out of contact with when unheaval in my life made me forget some very important things.
Talk less about me, and find out more about you
Forgive more... maybe even GWB someday
Record a new CD worth of songs
Write enough for another CD
Teach Paul the beauty of taking a dump outdoors
[size=75]i may be weak, but i have bad technique[/size]
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Post by Paul3eb »

Corporate Whore wrote:-to do something for the kids in/near the rrg, especially wolfe county
-to stop adding contradictions to my life and, if possible, get rid of some
-to let things roll off my back more
-to leave my anger and frustrations from 2005 in 2005
-to bite my tongue longer and more often
-to make (a lot) more people happy than i make sad
-to say less and listen more
-to question everything i believe
-to write more
huh.. well, i made some progress on a few and need to work a lot more on most of those. always room for improvement..

oh and the important one:
Corporate Whore wrote:
Wes wrote:Corporate Whore, You sure there isn't one more thing you want to do in 2006?
oh that's right!

always be close to a functional toilet.. (read: no pooing in the woods)
happy to say mission accomplished and more of the same this year ;)
and great loves will one day have to part -smashing pumpkins
Posts: 812
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Post by chester »

have more sex
[size=84]Women are like tea bags. They don't know how strong they are until they get into hot water.[/size]
Posts: 1949
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Post by RRO »

i always liked you steph and never could figure out exactly why :)

If you need to contact me , email me. Less Internet, less stress
Posts: 1949
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Post by RRO »

Spragwa wrote:
Crankmas wrote:Paul, I will always have that image of you in RRO deligently sorting out the donated goods for the Climbers that Care get together, you are a good person don't harsh yourself, best of luck in the New Year
HAH! He was sorting those goods to take home. If RRO hadn't stopped him, the kids wouldn't have had any. Don't kid yourself, Paul is mean. And he lives with a "foul creature" as some have said. :wink:
he did it again this year. paul is sooooo mean.

Tobacco will be out of my system this year. Not really a NY res, just something I have to do.........

If you need to contact me , email me. Less Internet, less stress
Posts: 812
Joined: Sun Oct 27, 2002 3:55 pm

Post by chester »

[size=84]Women are like tea bags. They don't know how strong they are until they get into hot water.[/size]
Posts: 798
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Post by gunslnga »

I resolve to be more open minded, not as quick to attack, and to climb stronger/fluidly/more. I also want to lose weight, but everyone else had that covered..... :lol:
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.....
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Post by Meadows »

Hey people ... 2006 ended a few days ago. I suggest a new thread.
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