With the end of the year coming, I was thinking back about all the great routes that have been put up this year. It got me to thinking about all the people that take time out of their precious climbing day to put up routes we can all do. To them, I give a big thank you.
For all of you out there that pay attention to who bolts what, I ask you, whose new routes did you enjoy the most this year?
I would like to weigh in with Piggie. Just a small sample of why I think he deserves developer of the year:
Samurai - As good as it gets. Blankish rock with just enough to get you thru.
Iron Lung - Crimp fest with hard and long movement.
Amarillo Sunset - Big pocket traversing on bad feet.
Whose with me?
Best Route Setter of the Year?
Best Route Setter of the Year?
Can't we all just get along?
This year:
Piggie (Iron Lung, Amarillo Sunset, Barbed Wire, Lobster Claw, and other secret hush hush routes)
Allah (Purgatory!!)
I definitely thank every route developer out there for all the time they put into making a great playground for us. I've seen Piggie at work and it looks like something I want no part of!
Piggie (Iron Lung, Amarillo Sunset, Barbed Wire, Lobster Claw, and other secret hush hush routes)
Allah (Purgatory!!)
I definitely thank every route developer out there for all the time they put into making a great playground for us. I've seen Piggie at work and it looks like something I want no part of!
Yo Ray jack dynomite! Listen to my beat box! Bew ch ch pff BEW ch ch pfff! Sweet!
Pigsteak for 2006. Add "Strip the Willows" and "Parasite" to "Iron Lung", et al.
And, he has a jump on 2007 with eight new ongoing projects at the "Surf."
Stay tuned.
And, he has a jump on 2007 with eight new ongoing projects at the "Surf."
Stay tuned.
Amen! Masochism at its best.SCIN wrote:...I definitely thank every route developer out there for all the time they put into making a great playground for us. I've seen Piggie at work and it looks like something I want no part of!
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau
- Posts: 307
- Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2005 1:31 am
Re: Best Route Setter of the Year?
i am totally with you, but did you have to go public with this...it's not like he needed more fuel for his e'er burning fire. now he's gonna be telling us how great he is for weeks...One-Fall wrote:Whose with me?

kudos, kipp.
(and kenny and josh and matt and don, and many, many others, too)
[quote="SCIN"]This year:
Piggie (Iron Lung, Amarillo Sunset, Barbed Wire, Lobster Claw, and other secret hush hush routes)
Allah (Purgatory!!)
Oh man, Purgatory has only been around a year???Seems to me like that place has been part of the Red forever. Too many good route equipers in our little paradise.
Piggie (Iron Lung, Amarillo Sunset, Barbed Wire, Lobster Claw, and other secret hush hush routes)
Allah (Purgatory!!)
Oh man, Purgatory has only been around a year???Seems to me like that place has been part of the Red forever. Too many good route equipers in our little paradise.
Can't we all just get along?
Hat's off to Pigsteak and and two thumbs up. Two thumbs down and a middle finger to Weber though... I thought we weren't allowed to have more than 2 projects at a time? Have the rules and restrictions changed again? Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter since Team Muir isn't even allowed to develop in Muir Valley anyway...weber wrote:
And, he has a jump on 2007 with eight new ongoing projects at the "Surf."
"Those iron spikes you use have shortened the life expectancy of the Totem Pole by 50,000 years."
--A Navaho elder
--A Navaho elder
J-Rock wrote:
I thought we weren't allowed to have more than 2 projects at a time? Have the rules and restrictions changed again?
No they haven't. Pigsteak is not Projecting any of the routes at the Surf. He is putting them up with glueins per Rick's request and dealing with all the headaches of a serious learing curve. The routes at the Surf are indeed being equipped by Kipp, but by no means have the rules changed or does he have 8 closed projects.
Thank you Kipp for all your hard work, especially with all these glue-ins as of late. I'll be asking for lots of direction soon!
I thought we weren't allowed to have more than 2 projects at a time? Have the rules and restrictions changed again?
No they haven't. Pigsteak is not Projecting any of the routes at the Surf. He is putting them up with glueins per Rick's request and dealing with all the headaches of a serious learing curve. The routes at the Surf are indeed being equipped by Kipp, but by no means have the rules changed or does he have 8 closed projects.
Thank you Kipp for all your hard work, especially with all these glue-ins as of late. I'll be asking for lots of direction soon!
Oh man, he is messing that up. However, he is missing his left leg so that way would probably be harder for him. SCIN, just before spraying some beta for a climber doing a route the WRONG way.