
Gaston? High Step? Drop Knee? Talk in here.
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Post by Crankmas »

Hugh, Doug Reed, and a host of others I just don't care to list right now.... still don't feel like it yet... no not yet either
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Post by Wes »

der uber wrote:I consider myself short, 5'7" and I haven't been on Dogleg yet, but it looks doable at my height. Harder, but doable I hope.
I am also 5'7", plus 2 ape, and I can just barely span the move, while fully hanging on the rope. So, there is a very, very small chance that with lots of training and tries, I could maybe stick that move once, while on redpoint. But, I love the rest of the route, and am psyched to get on it every time I am at the Bob Marley.

PS, I guess there are two 5.14 climbers out there that didn't get the send on it...
"There is no secret ingredient"

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Post by bentley »

I am not sure how tall Mike is but I gave him a catch on it one day and I can assure you the way he was ATTEMPING to do the "crux" move on Dog Leg is harder than the crux on Thanatopsis.
The Dog Leg crux is simply a reach issue because as the Lurkist stated those of use that are over a certain height could certainly do the route in roller skates and perhaps even boxing gloves.
There were some other Canadian folks that unofficially changed the name of Dog Leg to "Take That Mike Doyle" (aka Dog Leg). Well its logged into, so I guess that makes it official right! :wink:
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