War Profiteering

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Post by climbboy »


The reason that the private contractor issue and Cheney are so closely aligned is that he is one of many prominent politicians (mostly, or at least many, republican) to be a part of the revolving door between working in government then going to work as a lobbyist for defense contractors and then back in govt.

It is just kind of creepy that cheney and rumsfeld (well, not anymore) have been operating at the highest levels of government since the 60's. Doesn't that creep you out? Bush's father was director of the CIA?

These guys have had their hands on govt on for a lot longer than Hilary and Bill (that isn't to say that they are the messiahs or something, just that they aren't as scary as the right wants them to be).

The whole Duke cunnigham deal, the K street project (and I emphasize project since it was a strategy by the GOP to control the lobbying in washinton) is a lot scarier than the petty thief jefferson (who yes, should go to jail).

Unfortunately, the Dems aren't organized enough to be that corrupt.

Unfortunately, the republicans are that organized, so their corruption and its connection with the private contractors is so unsettling.

Seen some of the weapons projects were pouring money into these days? The new fighter jet to replace the F-16 at billions a pop. Long range artilery?

Is the new fighter jet really going to win us the War on Terror? No.
Will it put money in the pockets of you favorite republican contributors lockheed martin? You bet.

Oh, by the way, I think some folks earlier in the post need to go back to eighth grade civics.

The house impeaches (yes, Clinton was very much impeached)
The senate convicts ( no he wasn't convicted).
Alan Evil
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Post by Alan Evil »

Clinton instituted the "don't ask don't tell" rule because he was up against a Republican Congress that was ready to vote for a "string the homo faggots up by their testicles because we're all straight hetero Christians and better than those fuckers" rule. Lesser of two evils, as it were. Please, pigster, don't confuse what Rush Limbaugh says about Clinton with what Clinton actually did.
[size=75]You are as bad as Alan, and even he hits the mark sometimes. -charlie

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Post by pigsteak »

so mr. evil, you are saying that clinton had no veto power in that instant? interesting, how we spin things when we try to protect our heroes.
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Alan Evil
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Post by Alan Evil »

No, he didn't have veto power. That was an executive order used to pre-empt having to veto a more restrictive piece of dumb-ass legislation from the "what you do in your bedroom is more important than the fucking up we're doing" Republican Congress.

Oh, let's try to amend the Constitution to make burning the flag illegal. That happens all the time, you know. Flag burning. It's destroying our country. All this flag burning.

The Don't Ask Don't Tell policy is, in my opinion, a massive pile of bullshit bigger than separate but equal. But it was better than the much uglier alternative. American politics seems to be all about "lesser of two evils," doesn't it?
[size=75]You are as bad as Alan, and even he hits the mark sometimes. -charlie

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Post by rhunt »

ok so I am not the most well rounded on my basic us government. Clinton was indeed impeached just not convicted.

So my question. Can a vice president be impeach but not the president? Seems that if we get rid of a few key people who totally manipulate Bush...Chaney... then we might have some better decisions being made by Bush.
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Alan Evil
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Post by Alan Evil »

Lock all of 'em up forever and throw away the key. Put 'em in Guantanamo with hoods over their heads and a plunger handle up their asses. Waterboard frequently and vigorously until they confess and then start over.
[size=75]You are as bad as Alan, and even he hits the mark sometimes. -charlie

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Post by gunslnga »

climbboy wrote:
Seen some of the weapons projects were pouring money into these days? The new fighter jet to replace the F-16 at billions a pop. Long range artilery?

Is the new fighter jet really going to win us the War on Terror? No.
Will it put money in the pockets of you favorite republican contributors lockheed martin? You bet.

Coming from a veteran, There were gays on the boat with Washington crossing the Delaware, I'll fight along side with the ones I knew anytime, they're sexual preference did'nt make any difference when doing they're jobs, bullets kill gay men just the same..........

Money spent on any weapon that will provent the death of a Soldier, Marine, Airmen, or Sailor is money well spent! Yeah, do I believe money is being mis-spent, but the positive is not being shown at all, where is the pictures of schools we opened or water and power we restored, how about those things????? You can find positive or negative, it's about how you percieve what you get on the uptake.

I gave up on politics and politicians this time round, only vote the issues, eems easier that way
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Post by rhunt »

i just can not find or see a single positive thing about this war. Anything that seemed positive from a few years ago has been erased.

The latest bad news I heard this morning on NPR. Insurgency fighting in Irag has getten worse because Saddan is not there to keep those religious groups under control.

So my summary: 3 to 5 soldiers are killed each day in Irag(not to mention civilians) to these insurgencies. That from a War that our president and leaders talked us into with lies. Even the British governement admitted this week that they were hiding the FACT that they knew there were no WMD's in Iraq and no ties to Al-Qaeda. All for a profit and power.

And still people defend Bush and this war and still people think its a bad idea to impeach bush and chaney....

huh? :roll:
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Post by pigsteak »

the dem's got control of congress rhunt..if they don't impeach, who ya gonna blame then? the dem's are in the driver's seat on this issue. I expect you libs to hold their feet to the fire, or kick them out on their asses in two years. deal?
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Post by Zspider »

climbboy wrote:

Seen some of the weapons projects were pouring money into these days? The new fighter jet to replace the F-16 at billions a pop. Long range artilery?

Is the new fighter jet really going to win us the War on Terror? No.

You're shortsighted if you think that terrorism is the only war we need to be prepared to fight. North Korea is most likely going to need thrashing here soon. That is likely to be a hot and sweaty job. Iran, too, maybe. At least the African nations appear satisfied with killing their own citizenry.

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