climbers that care 2006

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Post by Paul3eb »

i know this is late but no less deserved:

you people are awesome! honestly, i staggered upon walking into rro saturday morning. the amount of generosity is.. amazing (for lack of a better term). and i can't tell you how thankful the families will be when they see all this..

as for amounts.. well, i don't have exact numbers on anything just yet. but i can tell you this:

the food and clothing took up at least a ten- by five- by five-foot cube in rro's dining area.
at least $120 was raised through donations saturday night.

i'll try to get some pictures up when i get them. right now, all i have is film.

and i know i keep saying this.. but i can't tell you how awesome it is to see this come together. there's so much we can do..

the thanks should be in its proper places:

matt and amy for dealing with all this, hosting the event, putting together most of the logistics, and providing food and fun
wes for an awesome slideshow.. the music, feel, and vibe couldn't have been better
jb for playing and putting on a great show.. and for giving up a chance to play up in cincinnati..!
and to everyone who came, gave, or helped out. your kindness and considerations will go far :)

may you all have a happy thanksgiving! you've made so many, including me, thankful for so much..
and great loves will one day have to part -smashing pumpkins
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