How cold is too cold?

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Post by bazoqop »

Don't be a wuss man, winter is fun!

Nuthin to do for 7 hrs? Bonfires and whiskey! ( or beverage of you choice )
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Post by pigsteak »

gregkerzhner wrote:Here is my opinion.
Climbing hard and having fun are not necessarily one and the same. For example, most days, I would much rather pull my ass up some routes in the shade in 60 degree weather and then work on my tan on a nice rock in the sun. Just more enjoyable. Don't get me wrong, you can climb in the 30s. You can climb in just about any temperature. But is it fun? Freezing your ass, off, not feeling your toes in your shoes, getting dark at 5 and not knowing what to do for the next 7 hours, waking up in the morning and wanting to shoot yourself instead of gettin out of your sleeping bag? Is it all really worth it for getting that ego boost from sending your project?
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by Andrew »

Living the dream
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Post by Ascentionist »

I don't send projects...I'm too weak. But 35 degree sunny days with no yayhoos at the cliff is pretty nice and fun in my book.

You could call me anti-social. But that wouldn't be a good idea :evil:
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Post by the lurkist »

for an ego boost, no. To send your project, fuck yes.
"It really is all good ! My thinking only occasionally calls it differently..."
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Post by gladhander »

If you hit south facing crags and the sun is out you can climb comfortably into the 20's.
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Post by TradMike »

South Platte, CO. If the sun is out, which it is over 300 days a year there. You can climb in a t-shirt and shorts when it's 20 deg. if there is no wind.
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Post by RRO »

i do have to draw the line somewhere. when its 20 we go bolting or hit plastic with the corpse. once it hits below 30 it can be rough even in the sun. merrick and i did a 18 pitch marathon day in the sr last winter and it didnt break 20 that day. days like that hurt but are worth it.

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Post by KD »

footwork is way better on winter rock because the rubber seems to stick better. if there's no wind - the sun can warm the rock up a few degrees more than the air temp and somedays are very pleasant.
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Post by Wes »

I used to be into cold weather roped climbing. But I am over that now (much like my ice climbing phase). If it is cold, then the gym or even better, deep south bouldering!
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