How cold is too cold?

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How cold is too cold?

Post by gregkerzhner »

So I was talking to some folks at the gym, and they were flipping their shit about me going to the red in november and december, saying that it was surley too cold, and I was going to freeze my nuts off.

I dont think so.
I have been going at least through chrismas and then back out again in february the last few seasons.
When do you people stop going to the red for overnight trips?
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Post by Artsay »

I don't go overnight anymore but 40 and sunny is good climbing. 40 and cloudy sucks ass. If it's sunny, there's usually good climbing to be had no matter what the month.
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Post by sherpa »

Agreed, and with the crazy Kentucky weather we have, 40 and sunny isn't too rare in winter.
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Post by sumdog »

You can always count on the gym rats to think it is too cold to climb outside. Ask them next spring why they are in the gym when it 60 and sunny outside? Outside forever, gym never!
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Post by ElectricDisciple »

yeah, when I started becoming a "real rock climber" aka climbing on real rock, I think I started sometime in December... Nothin' says awesome like climbing and having NO feeling in your fingers on your first climb. God I love this sport!!!
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Post by Paul3eb »

the temps almost never matter.. so long as the sun is out. last saturday was getting close to a "too cold" day: no sun and damp. as for "overnight".. in a tent or car? tents just suck.. cars aren't as bad and stay a little warmer when you sleep in them.

getting out year-round isn't that hard to do at all. besides, late january and all february are usually the coldest months anyway. november and december are sending months.

of course, back home is always best.. ;)
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Tunica Intima
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Post by Tunica Intima »

Agreed; there are certainly days that are out, but there are some days when the weather is crisp, the slopers are sticky, and there's no one around! Just bring some dogs with you in yor tent or rig, they are excellent heaters!
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der uber
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Post by der uber »

If it feels good to climb in cold weather, then do it. Below 45 is about my limit, but others I know think its like an extra garlic butter with your pizza.

Hell, people climb mountains with snow on it, and die, so its whatever you care to put up with.
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Post by dmw »

I like it in the winter..... way more peaceful, but I miss the good food..... Winter climbing = Food Court in Staunton. :|
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Post by endercore »

agreed, november and december are the strongest times of the year... you just spent all fall crankin and its time to send. january and february get are when its really cold. Just put your belay jacket on and climb in the sun. you don't need to feel your fingers anway, they'll hold.

dmw, no way, winter climbing=subway
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