Here is a very good page for information concerning global warming-
Every argument from either side that I have ever heard is considered. It's a long page and it might not get interesting to you until the middle of it, so scroll down and check out it's format.
Ask yourself why this subject has become so venomous. The stakes are very high if you hold to the prevailing, peer reviewed, consensus (yes, even that), side. The other side sees entanglement in world treaties, industrial burdens, loss of stature among nations, and economic disaster. IMO, if you cut through the rhetoric you're left with science, which is just our attempt at understanding and dealing with an event in the best possible way. Money doesn't figure into that yet. Yet so much of the "science" coming from one side is from a disinformation campaign financed by fossil fuel giants and people who rail against anything regarding environmental concerns by habit. Science will correct itself if required cause that is what it does. The consensus is there now that it is real and we are playing a part. The "Steve Project" as regards ID fits this dynamic pretty well. We'll work together using our heads or we'll just have to struggle through the fighting back and forth. It's almost comical thinking about whether the sun goes around the earth or if it was the other way around, but it was just as divisive. Then it was the Church and now it seems to be Money. People still go to church, and anything we do now can still be denied by science later once the better argument is brought to the table. That's how it works. Denying our best thinking though is goofy.
You would think we would have all the motivation we need to redirect our energy policy since the course we are on entangles us in terrible places where people kill us and we have to kill them, or they hold us hostage financially.