Ended up going out with Yasi today and had big plans to crush some routes. That did not happen at all, the last route I ended up standing in slings and cursing rather loudly. The route was within my range, close to my trad onsite level and I was expecting a fight. But it definitly should not have been an aid fest almost the whole route. I have played a lot of sports growing up and you always have bad days but with climbing it just seems exagerated when a high gravity days hits.
Does your climbing ability greatly differ from day to day ?
But Yasi, it was a great day, thanks for getting out and being a supportive belayer. The views at the top were more than worth the effort.
Sometimes you just need a good ass kicking
Sometimes you just need a good ass kicking
If you need to contact me , email me. Less Internet, less stress
If you need to contact me , email me. Less Internet, less stress
The freaking beenling man. The old school 9+ is almost laughable. I made it half way or so, took the fall and then just resorted to plugging and pulling the rest of the way. I just onsighted smoothy nut at solar and have been doing well with mid 10's on trad latley, usually first go. The .5/.75 size is a very akward size for me. Wanted to do WLOTB today as well but just wasnt feeling it after that smack down. Frenchburg was a cool route with an awesome view from the top. Fall colors are really starting to show. I do plan on going back out soon and see if it was just a bad day or if I really need to work that size for awhile.
edited cause i suck
edited cause i suck
Last edited by RRO on Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
If you need to contact me , email me. Less Internet, less stress
If you need to contact me , email me. Less Internet, less stress