does anyone know anything about the last pitch above Double Caves @ Lower Small Wall. Its a traverse out from under a 25-30ft roof finishing with about 10-15 of hand crack.
I thought it went about 5.7-8. pretty decent line. anyone ever heard of it?
Double Caves- last pitch.
the pitch after those mentioned above was done several years ago by a guy named Jamie Rooney. he is a louisville climber. Jamie told me he checked with Johnny after he sent it because he though it might have been a first. Johnny said he had no records to say otherwise. pm me an i can get you his number.
I'm a little confused.....Double Caves Crack goes up into a rockhouse/cave probably about 70 ft up or so. I usually set a belay in the roof of the cave just for fun. Then you exit out of the roof of the cave into a hand crack that then turns into an offwidth for 25 ft or so. Then you're at a large ledge that has webbing and rap rings on two trees (one for belay and one near the edge for rapping off). From there, I go left on the ledge for 15 feet or so, then up another crack to the very top of the ridgeline (lots of dead/fallen trees up there) where there is another set of webbing/quicklinks on a tree. Takes two raps with a 60m rope to get down. If you're talking about the crack/offwidth that comes out of the cave, it feels more like 5.5 to me with some nice exposure when you exit the roof of the cave. Or is there another line that I'm missing?