BOHICA soloed

Innocent subjects that took a turn for the worst.
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Post by Ascentionist »

Who was "hiking" at the Motherlode?

So what if they did close it. Supposedly all the routes are the same. And isn't every hold at the Red identical to all the other ones? Jug, jug, jug, jug, jug, jug, jug, etc.

I agree with it being lame that it was a "solo" that didn't top out. That's just not as cool, I don't care how hard it is.
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Post by Zspider »

somebody wrote:

... but i do think his judgement was not the best in this instance.

Hmm... My personal inclination is to question the wisdom of anybody who solos close to their limit. But I think it's their choice and I respect their decision. And I think it's wonderful that we can denigrate his accomplishment by accusing him of selfishness for potentially closing an area by dying.

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Post by Saxman »

Funny how soloing still evokes such controversy. Maybe too many people feel inadequate when they hear what someone has soloed. I am with Merrick, what areas have been closed due to a soloing incident?
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Post by Huggybone »

While I must say that is a wicked accomplishment, I must say to saxman:
Are you seriously that blinded by ego? To tell other people they feel inadequate for whatever reason- that is the unlitmate ego trip. Your are saying "I know more about your mind than you do."

If you overlook the possiblilty of closure due to a death on private land...well, I'm really not sure what to say. It requires ignoring an enormous amount of common sense.
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Post by mcrib »

I've seen a ground fall at the load and it wasn't by someone soloing it was some kid whose belayer loaded the gri gri wrong and he broke both his ankles. Isn't that a threat to private land access?
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Post by Cliff Heindel »

as i reflect on this i feel constricted by acknowledging that any of my own meager accomplishments must establish themselves not as moments of elevated clarity but as enduring behavior of commitment and value.

in balance, engaging this activity consistently with the price being one's life-
amidst all the other possibilities life offers-is beyond my will to justify publicly.
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Post by Toad »

Yeah. Channel 36 News. Our top story - climber gets two broken ankles.
Belayer get hangnail.
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Post by Zspider »

Huggybone wrote:

Are you seriously that blinded by ego? To tell other people they feel inadequate for whatever reason...

Saxman said that "maybe" they feel inadequate. And he hit the nail on the head for me. I surely don't have that kind of selfconfidence, that kind of courage.

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Post by charbee13 »

Brain injury is forever...

and not fun
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Post by Zspider »

charbee wrote:

Brain injury is forever...

You are wrong. It's only temporary. Death is forever.

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