Murray Property Update

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Post by Artsay »

How about my question, Johnny? We'll be out of town that weekend but would like to "buy" a route. We don't have a problem giving money to the cause without "owning" a route but, like you said, it's fun to think of owning one. How much for that one to the left of Skin Flute? :)
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Post by Johnny »

Q:So Johnny, if we can't be at the Derby Fest for the auction, can we "buy" a route still?

A: Sure. We've only started on the details. Ideally we'll have the concept finalized tonight at yet another meeting. I'm not sure if we'll have the routes as open auctions to the highest bidder, or whether we'll put set prices on it on a first come first serve basis. I prefer the latter, so you wouldn't have to be there and we'll be better able to budget the money for it all. But, we'll have to put prices on climbs. Of course, we know Shaggy will be in the highest category, but how would you suggest we categorize the others? I'd really love to get digital photos of all the routes. That's the easiest way for people to see what they are "buying" and it's fun. Of course, this site is a fantastic resource for publishing the photos and could be used as a platform for all bidding and purchases. I don't know if Ray would be into that (and it takes more time too) but that's an idea anyway. I think Hugh has many routes in Coalbank Hollow already, but we really need some from Bob Marley, Getaway, Drive by, and Arena, with some gaps to fill in at other places. Ray's already got many good ones on the site that I'd like to use too.
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Post by Spragwa »

I want the 10 on the arrete at Oil Crack, if someone fixes the anchors. So back off!
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Post by Andrew »

If you want I can get pictures of all the routes at bob marley this week. Do they need to be digital or can I take pictures with film and give them to somebody to scan. Also do you care if someone is climbing the route.
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Post by tomdarch »

It seems to me that you aren't talking about 'buying' a route, but instead you're talking about being the 'sponsor' of the route. Does that sound about right?

How about installing brass plaques at the bases of the routes?
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Post by tomdarch »

Regarding the survey, what kind of survey are you talking about for $15,000? Is that just a property boundary survey, or would that be a more extensive survey including elevations, topographical lines, locations of roads and creeks, locations of oil equipment, locations of other elements such as ponds, etc. ?
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Post by Artsay »

Question: Those who "buy a route"... do they get annual RRGCC memberships with that?
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Post by dingo »

Johnny, can you answer my question about the oil rights? Or did I somehow miss it?
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Post by Johnny »

Q: Do they need to be digital or can I take pictures with film and give them to somebody to scan. Also do you care if someone is climbing the route.
A: Any format is better than none. I don't care if someone is climbing the route or not. Better if they are, but that's impossible to do in a short amount of time. If we can coordinate certain photographers with certain crags, it would be most efficient.

Q: It seems to me that you aren't talking about 'buying' a route, but instead you're talking about being the 'sponsor' of the route. Does that sound about right?
A: Yeah, that's a better way to put it. Thanks.

Q: <joke>
How about installing brass plaques at the bases of the routes?
A: Actually Hugh suggested we put little brass thingys on the anchors like Kellyn Gorder did with some of his routes with the name of the sponsor on it. That might be pretty cool.
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Post by Jeff »

That does sound pretty cool.
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