Solar Fund

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Solar Fund

Post by Artsay »

Wes' dog, Solar, was bit by a rattle snake three times on Saturday. The bills are coming in around $1000 and if Solar loses his toe they'll be more. I have set up a donation button as a result of friends offering to help. In no way is this solicitation to give and no one should feel guilty for not giving. If you want to give, this is just a way.

For those wanting to help out our good friend Wes with these crazy steep vet bills and keep him from selling his photography equipment, you may go here to donate: (link removed as per Wes' request. Everyone's generosity has overwhelmed him and he wants to take care of the rest on his own. Thanks everyone!) You do not need a PayPal account to donate.

Solar and Blue were found by Wes in RRG and they almost didn't make it. They were in rough shape but Wes saved their lives. Wes has done so much for so many people and animals and never asks for anything. He's one of the most selfless and generous people I know. For those that have always wanted to say thanks to him for taking their photo, setting up TR's, giving them rides, re-equiping countless routes, or just by always being a positive presence, now's your chance.

Last edited by Artsay on Thu Jul 06, 2006 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
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Post by Wes »

Solar is home and sleeping right now. He is able to get around just fine, and seems to be doing well. He goes back to the vet Friday to see about tissue damage, but he is doing great. Not sure if it will stay this way, but he is now one of the quietist, clamist dogs I have ever seen.

I don't have words to show how greatful I am to everyone that has helped out. Humbled is all I can come up with.
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Post by marathonmedic »

I miss dogs. Give him a scratch for me.
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Post by wirednut »

Find a bit of donation in old Kira's memory, Wes. I'll see you and Solar in Sept.

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Post by dhoyne »

I'm completely broke (paying for my wedding next month) but couldn't stand to see Solar (or Wes for that matter) suffer so I scrounged up a bit and donated.

Wes, keep us posted on how the doggy is doing.
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Post by Wes »

Much love and thanks to everyone who has chipped in or offered positive thoughts. I am humbled by the kindness for sure.

Solar is doing well, able to even play a bit with his brother. Back to the vet tomorrow to find out how it paw is doing. So, with a little bit of luck, things will be just fine.

Thanks again,
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Post by dmw »

I wonder too if he will stay that calm. Matt and Amy, did River act like that last year when he got bit? I cannot imagine Solar as anything but hyper and talkative........
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Post by gunslnga »

We sent what we could, hope it helps!!!!!
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Post by Artsay »

The donation link has been removed as per Wes' request. Everyone's generosity has overwhelmed him and he wants to take care of the rest on his own. Thanks everyone!
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
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Post by Wes »

Just got back from the vet, and Solar gets a clean bill of heath. Thanks again for all the positive thoughts and for the donations to the solar fund, I am grateful beyond words for all the great people in the climbing world.

"There is no secret ingredient"

Po, the kung fu panda
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