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new to RRG

Post by wannabecrackclimber23 »

Hey I am kinda new to the area :oops: (just moved from northern IN) and just bought the Guidebook! Its soo aweseome! I was wondering if there were possibly some topropes that could be set up from the top of the Indian Creek area (?) (If there is a way to hike to the top?) as well as the area called Lost ridge? they both look like great climbing!
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Post by wannabecrackclimber23 »

ohhh one other thing...ummm wheres the cliff on page 17 of the guidebook? the one with the boyfriend and I would like to camp there! thanks! :P
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Post by Andrew »

Oh your a chick, you should have said that earlier, you could have had a million people show you around. Just don't bring the boyfriend or mention him ever again. :wink:

Seriously, if you are not comfortable with leading there are some very good guides, RRO or Tru North. Or you could just show up to miguels and offer people beer for a rope-gun.
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Post by ynot »

There are walkups at a few crags but youll need a boatload of webbing or another rope to set up topropes on most things. And wear jeans. The briars are no joke.
The walkup at Indian creek isn't too hard to find and didn't look too bad to scramble up. We lead because lots of routes don't top out and setting up TR is more hassle than it's worth.
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Post by Saxman »

Andrew wrote:Oh your a chick
Faulty logic.
The theory of evolution is just as stupid as the theories of gravity and electromagnetism.
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Post by wannabecrackclimber23 »

hmmm interesting logic! :roll: :wink: LOL hmmm....just curious then how do set routes if you cant get to the top? I thought most routes these days were bolted/cleaned on rappel as well as if you are tradding then you can pull off the loose stuff.

Boatload of webbing huh? Trees are far back from the top? I saw the add for the guides...they were expensive when I checked there website....the ropegun sounds like a better offer! Thanks for the tips on the jeans...I wouldn't want my legs cut up! least not by briars anyway (leave that up to the climbing)

Thanks for the info and help! Oh did anybody know what the cliff was on page 17? Thanks again!
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Post by ynot »

Take a lead class at a gym. It's more than worty the cost and cheaper than a guide.
"Everyone should have a plan for the zombie apocolipse" Courtney
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Post by wannabecrackclimber23 »

I can lead (well somewhat) but not trad. I would like to learn trad but don't know where to learn. Anyone have suggestions? I have been playing around with placements on the ground with a couple of cams and nuts, but I'm still a little scaried to try climbing. :?

And yes I am a chick, if you all are still wondering. :wink:
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Post by ynot »

Do you promise not to start soloing like my last pupil?
"Everyone should have a plan for the zombie apocolipse" Courtney
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