Will Climb For Jeremy (Comp)

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Will Climb For Jeremy (Comp)

Post by Colorscholar »

Hello everyone,

An idea has sprung up about hosting a "Will Climb For Jeremy" Comp on August 12th in Columbus at my wall. The comp is intended to help raise money for Jeremy and his physical therapy sessions which he needs very badly.

For those of you not aware of who Jeremy Petrovitch is, he was in a terrible car accident in which he was T-Boned by an oncoming car last July that left him in a comma after the accident, and now he is confined to a wheel chair. Before the accident, Jeremy was one of the Red's best climbers.

I have at my home in Columbus, Ohio a 1,300 square foot bouldering gym (Trust me it is huge!) with enough holds to drown a small army of three toed sloths. The idea would be to host an informal, fun bouldering comp to raise money and have an awesome day of climbing with some cool people.

The idea right now is to have a limited registation event, done on a first come first served basis. I have begun soliciting prizes from climbing companies, and also local establishments willing to help this cause.
The details are still being worked out. I have hosted the Will Climb For Food comps in the past so those that went to them know how it goes down.

Jeremy needs our help, so if anyone is interested in helping, or participating, please email me Tony Reynaldo at:


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Post by RRO »

nice tony ! i will donate a few small prizes. what about the people that want to give but cant make the comp ? put me down for $25.

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Post by pigsteak »

Give us an address to send money.

Don't let Jeremy enter...he'd still win campusing the problems :wink:
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by Artsay »

Yea, give us an address. We'll make a cash donation too.
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
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Post by dipsi »

I think I have a little cash left! :D
What I love about running is you can meditate while running. It's a peaceful place.

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Post by Colorscholar »

Hello everyone,

Ok here is what the comp format is going to be. We are going to use the ABS system for points and the honor system for bouldering. All climbers will be given a card that goes with the catagory of their division. Begginer, Intermediate, Advanced, (Men and Woman).

There will be 30 spots available for competitors, I will be putting up posters around Columbus, Cincinnati, The New, and The Red. I am setting the date for registration to begin on July 28th.

There will be two groups (15 each) Each group will climb the same amount of time during two time slots.

Registration can go two ways, either by snail mail, or through PayPal. Anyone who registers will get an email with a PDF containing a map, an entry form, and an entry ticket for a prize box giveaway.

As for anyone willing to donate, but can't attend or help. The mail and PayPal methods will be equally as effective.

Jeremy is going to be at the comp also, and we are going to be providing food (Lunch) for all the climbers in attendance. The hope is to grill out in the backyard, or the garage if it rains. I have a massive yard and big deck so lets all hope the sun is out.

I will be posting the mailing address, and the PayPal address soon.

Thanks everyone for all your prayers, and help. Jeremy really needs us.

P.S. This will be a BYOP event. (Bring Your Own Pad).

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Post by One-Fall »

The climbing community at the Red is unparalled. Nice work, Tony.
Can't we all just get along?
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