I was down at Phantasia wall this past weekend and three of us in our groups decided to climb Bobsledding. Upon reaching the top of the first (and only?) pitch, we noticed a left facing corner with what would have been an attractive line except for the boatloads of moss and rhotodendron. Despite this, one of my friends decided to lead it...something which proved surprisingly difficult considering the rotten root lodged in the crack (which we pulled out) and what appeared to be a lettuce like lichen growing on the face (smearing was sorta tough here). I began following the pitch but, after deciding it wasn't my cup of tea (and after I cleaned a hex which somehow managed to hit me in the nuts) I retreated and handed off the cleaning to my other friend. Andy, the leader, said it was about 5.10a (although, if one were to clean up the climb...i.e. kill all the plant life...it might be a .9+). I would only agree that it is rated 5.sucks in the state its in now.
Our question: does anyone know of any previous ascents of this line (it would make a fairly natural continuation of Bobsledding)? The line would be sweet if it were cleaned up but, as I said, this involves some ecological disruption.
First Ascent question
I snagged some booty on that pitch a couple of years ago. It was a old stopper with a binner on it, about 1/4 of the way up. Which kinda suggests that someone bailed on it. If you guys clean that thing up it will be super 2nd pitch for bobsledding. I bet that thing did feel like 10a. It was a bit furry.