Dr. Bob Matheny and Muir Valley

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Post by dhoyne »

Paul3eb wrote:as for drama, no one likes it.
Sarcasm is a tool the weak use to avoid confrontation. People with any balls just outright lie.

[quote="Meadows"]I try not to put it in my mouth now, but when I do, I hold it with just my lips.[/quote]
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Post by Meadows »

yeah, paul ... Dhoyne especially loves it!!!
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Post by pigsteak »

piggie too!!!
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by Paul3eb »

haha.. ok, you've got me on that. ;)
and great loves will one day have to part -smashing pumpkins
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Post by mcrib »

I didn't realize I was so unpopular with only a few hundred post. That pig guy's pretty cool you see how many post he's got. Jeez.
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Post by pigsteak »

mcrib..ya gotta go thru the hate to get to the love....

it's all good... :wink:
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.

Post by Guest »

my last words on the subject (quit clapping and listen up):

I asked Rick in an email why he banned Bob. He replied that he had not, and would never consider it. Then he posted this thread... Regardless of the resulting BS, I truly am glad this has been cleared up.

A couple of points to keep in mind... As Paul said, if I had not asked, this may have never been cleared up, and a lot of good people would still be thinking unfair thoughts about Rick because of Bob's alleged banning. Liz makes excellent points and clearly it was all a misunderstanding. I posted the part of Rick's PM that led to the misunderstanding because all of you know-it-alls acted like this was all fabricated out of thin air. Don't like it? Too fucking bad. That's the privilege of power, which I rarely if ever abuse here and I make no apology in this case. To post the rest of the PM would, in my opinion, unfairly cast Rick in a bad light because he was in the middle of a heated exchange with Terry. If Rick would like to post it, that is his option.

So to everyone who got all bent out of shape about "false rumors" flying around and who thinks there is some big conspiracy to get Muir closed, you can shut up now. There was good reason for Bob to think he was banned, and good reason for people who care about him to be concerned. Personally I think you guys love the drama, judging by the way you jump into shit you know nothing about. I abhore being involved in this crap. I was, in fact, very hesitant to bring this up with Rick, I never intended it to be something that played out on the forum (that was Rick's choice), and even after being accused by Rick of things I did not do just for asking a simple fucking question (a familiar place for me...), I am very glad I asked and learned that this was all a big misunderstanding. Everyone who knows Bob and who thought he was banned was PISSED at Rick about this. Now we are not. It's over.

Now you can all feel free to fuck right off.

Oh, and I got this in a PM from Spuzo:
OK you be good and don't post on the board that in my PM to you I said Yasmeen was a sexy bitch. :lol:

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Post by spuzo »

The secret's out. :oops:
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Post by Saxman »

Is there anything humans touch and don't fuck up?
The theory of evolution is just as stupid as the theories of gravity and electromagnetism.
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Post by Spragwa »

Saxman wrote:Is there anything humans touch and don't fuck up?
I touch my dog everyday (in a non-sexual way) and she's not in the LEAST fucked up. 8)
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

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