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Post by marathonmedic »

Steve wrote:Every story needs a good character.
Would Terry have been the hero, the villian or both?

I also wanted to post a few things in regards to what tomdarch posted.

1-800-SUICIDE (anywhere in the U.S.)
1-800-999-9999 (the Nine Line for teenagers anywhere)
1-800-799-4TTY (deaf hotline)

Please don't choose a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
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Post by Steve »

marathonmedic wrote:
Steve wrote:Every story needs a good character.
Would Terry have been the hero, the villian or both?
Ahhh that is for you to decide, based on your experiences, your 'Terry story'. Maybe he could the hero, maybe the villian, maybe both at the same time. What ever the case he left an impression on all those that he came into contact with, that was so obvious at yesterday's serivce...and in reading over this thread.
I see they are still lopping off mountains in Eastern Kentucky. Electricity isn't cheap.
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Post by the lurkist »

fucking Terry. He was one of a kind.
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Post by gunslnga »

the lurkist wrote:fucking Terry. He was one of a kind.
No doubt about that!!!!!!
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Post by charlie »

the lurkist wrote:fucking Terry. He was one of a kind.
True. I've been going over all the funny shit he would say, just to keep me from being pissed at him. He was goofier than hell and I don't know if I'll ever stop missing his dumbass.

I really wish he would answer the mobile communicator.
You know what's not fair, what sucks about the world? The fact that the women have all the pussy. I mean damn, if we guys just had maybe 15% of the pussy how much easier would it be?

I'm just going to cruise back to the unit. If none of you guys want to join me for some sport fuckin then I'll just hang out and have sex with myself.
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Post by bob »

I lost my friend this week and his passing leaves a void that I cannot seem to fill. We were the best of friends, we could criticize and analyze and talk about anything and we spent more time camping and talking than we did climbing. In the end, that apparently didn’t matter. I don’t know where and when he stopped trusting me, but it seems to have happened. He helped me through some incredibly tough times with his humor and ability, in spite of all indications, to listen, but when his trial came he didn’t want to let me in. I can only wish that he had accepted my offers of help. I cannot change what has happened, that is the thing that I must live with.

Terry reintroduced me to climbing. I had started climbing in the ‘70s; however, college and med school, in Memphis and New Orleans respectively, left me with few, if any, opportunities to climb. Our first outing involved “Five Finger Discount” and “The Mantle Route”. From there he branched out. He didn’t seem to be at all concerned that he had hooked up with a total gumby. He was as willing to allow me to toprope anything he could get up as he was to cheer me on during my early “sends”. Later he began to allow me to become involved with route development. I can recall the many hours I spent hanging in a harness while he ruminated over the perfect position of a bolt. His cleaning of routes prompted me to purchase a helmet and engendered a certain caution regarding loose rocks and such. I also recall the pride I felt when Terry handed me the drill and said “go ahead and drill it”, just “don’t fuck it up”.

Terry was my friend and I hope I was his. I wish him peace
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Post by pigsteak »

I've told several of you this story already.

Last June, I was bolting my first route ever at the Red. I had done several back home in Illinois, but was testing new waters here.

I was at Muir, and terry walks up. Rhunt had told me who he was from a distance a few weeks earlier, and said.."If you want to bolt in the Red, become friends with hugh, terry, and tim"

Big E and I had just finished bolting it, and Big E was toproping it. terry walks up and I introduce myself and say "I know who you are"...after about 10 seconds of small talk, he says "what's up with the shitty anchors", as he was looking at my new route. Taken aback, I quickly respond it was my route, and he then responds "it is still shitty anchor placement", and then gives me an unsolicited 3-4 minute bolting clinic while I belay Big E. I told him to get on the route and then let me know what he thought.

I tried to explain why I put the anchors where I did..(rotten rock higher) but Terry didn't budge in his assessment.

Terry left.

Over the ensuing months Terry would call me out of the blue and ask about something I had bolted. With fear in my voice, I would find myself justifying my every move to this obnoxious but likeable guy. he made sense, but he was over killing me I thought.

I think it was about two months ago, and I run into Terry. He had just been on that very first route I bolted ( I think with Blake), and Terry approaches me at Miguel's. He says "Hey Kipp, that first route you bolted at Muir...excellent job and nicely bolted. The anchors were in the right spot."

9 months after that first conversation, terry had remembered. And he came back to me after his final assessment. At that time, I knew his credibility and honesty would serve me well.

Last August, I had named the route "Suppress the Rage", for my indignation at Terry. Today, it seems to have double meaning.
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Post by Jeff »

I'm sure you were his best friend too Bob.

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Post by Yasmeen »

bob, the pride and respect with which Terry spoke of you leaves no doubt in my mind that you were very, very close to his heart. May you find peace as well.
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Post by Spragwa »

Bob, Terry was your greatest champion. I personally received his wrath when he thought I was attacking you or in some way implying that you were engaged in unethical behavior or activities. He loved you fiercely.
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

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