jim wrote: If an employer is properly classifying you as an employee, as opposed to trying to do some shady independent contractor thing, then taxes should be deducted from your pay (7.65% of gross wages, to be matched by the employer) and paid to the gov't for social security, whether your social security number is valid or not. And, if you are undocumented, then you will never see ANY of that social security money that you are paying in (last I heard there was something like $50 billion in the social security coffers that is "unclaimed" or not associated with a valid number--most of it contributed by undocumented workers who will never receive an entitlement based on what they paid in). I suppose many people think that folks aren't paying taxes because they may or may not file a tax return, but if all the low-wage undocumented workers filed tax returns, they would for the most part be getting refunds on their taxes, not paying more in than was already taken out of their pay. Exactly what taxes are undocumented workers not paying?
You really should go to this linked site-Center for Immigration Studies
The taxes paid argument is spread around and around and it just doesn't hold water.
" If an employer is properly classifying you as an employee..."
HELLO. It's illegal to hire an illegal worker. He will NOT be properly classified. All employees must meet the requirements of form I-9 from the U.S. Dept. of Justice. This is required and signed by every employer regarding every new hire.