
Quit whining. Drink bourbon. Climb more.
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Post by RRO »

Like a lot of you I have had elbow issues off and on for a few years. This time its hit pretty hard. What preventative measures do you take ? Do the arm band things work at all ? The pain this time is when I turn my arm and its on the outside running up into my tricep and shoulder.
Last edited by RRO on Sat Apr 08, 2006 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Horatio Felacio
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Post by Horatio Felacio »

quit beating off all the little boys you take "climbing". queer.
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Post by Saxman »

Masturbate with your other arm for awhile. The pain should subside in a couple of weeks.
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Post by RRO »

See, the users of this site really do have wealth of knowledge to offer.

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Cliff Heindel
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Post by Cliff Heindel »

The elbow pain you describe cannot be the result of chronic masturbation unless your arm is hooked underneath your leg. I would suggest rotation stretching by joining hands behind your back and inverting so that your palms face away form you..try to raise your arms toward your head (elbos 'locked'). Also, 'chickenwing' by folding the back of your hand underneath your armpit/side; pull your elbow forward.. OR with your arm fully extended palm up in front of you (elbow 'locked') use the free hand to rotate your extended arm clockwise (so the thumb turns from more or less 3 to 6ish) If none of this works I don't really understand the issue to begin with and I have absolutely NO professional training these are just things that work for me..Good luck.
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Post by SCIN »

Dude, I've been hit hard for the past two months. I finally got an armband thing and it helps a bit but I'm just trying to fight the pain until I take a forced 5 day rest at the beginning of May. I'd say go for the armband and set a goal of taking a week off sometime in the future. Until then do Vitamin "I" and the armband.
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Post by Wes »

Pushups, dips, reverse wrist curls, wrist twists will help.
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Post by haas »

RRO, take your week off before May dude, seriously.

Oh, and switching hands has helped my elbow pain. Plus it's like a whole other person. I'm always like "Well hello there"
the lurkist
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Post by the lurkist »

I think I can help. Your problem sounds like lateral epicondylitis. Does the litle knob on the outside (lateral) of your elbow ache and do you get a sharp pain with innoucous lifting or pinching with your hand?
There is a good set of physical modalities (manuveurs) you can employ to ward this pain from getting worse. it would be easier to show you.
Basically, cross fiber massage, ice, then heat prior to stretching, stretching, and increasing resistance exercises (can rolls, rolling a string with a small weight around a piece of 3" PVC), etc..
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Last edited by the lurkist on Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by TradMike »

Time off or very light when on is the only way to heal it. Hot/Cold therapy and tissue massage will help get blood flowing to the area and speed healing. Then you can do preventative exercises. What worked for me was some time off then working the opposing muscles to climbing. We climbers tend to be one sided in our workouts (pulling only). Get some of those push exercises in. What worked for me was: push ups, dips, military press, shoulder press, incline bench. Definitely warm up and stretch before climbing. Most of the injuries occur when you are dehydrated and cold going straight into a hard climb. Also, some climbing movements are very hard on the elbows (nature of the beast). Try to figure out which ones cause you the most pain and try to avoid them. Those tendons get smashed, pulled and twisted while climbing. If you are not warmed up and stretched it makes it that much worse.
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