Kicked out of the Red

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Kicked out of the Red

Post by Christian »

On Saturday night April 1,2006 at approximately 10:00 pm I was officially kicked out of the Red by a table full of irresponsible drunks behind Miguel's. My demise began Saturday am at about 12:30 am when aout 30 to 50 people arrived and set up their tents in arow 6 inches in front of our tents. So far so good. After all this Miguel's and it's all good. But then instead of moving up to the fire and talking, yelling and laughing they decide to do that in front of our tents. Still, this is Miguel's and It's all good. I start to go to sleep and then I smell the odor of Marijuana burning. I have been clean and sober 10 years. I got high along time. I won't judge others if they want to consume pot but let's face it I don't think it is fair that I breathe second hand smoke while I am try ing to sleep.whetther it is pot or tobacco. I did not respond well to what I feel is an invasion of my space. I came out of my tent yelling at the unsuspecting fellers and they looke dat me with glazed eyes and proceeded to ignore me. I went to pee and came back they were gone.

I talked to Miguel about this and he was not happy.
He asked me to point out the offenders and agreed to kick them out and ban them from Miguel's. I told him I really did not want that to happen an I thought they got the message.

I was wrong.
Saturday night at around 7:30 we were all gathered around the fire and a young lady was tend to the fire stoking and adding wood when someone through a wad of firecrackers into the fire and they exploded in her face. Hot coals spewed everywhere. She was wearing glasses or she would have been hit in the eyes.
My friends 4 month old puppy broke from her grip and ran off towards the highway. I tried to identify the perpretrator but the coward slithered off and everything settled down. a few minutes later another firecracker went off behind the group around the fire. Once again the punk snuck off undetected. Finally we found the puppy shaking and cowereing by another person's van who was comforting the animal. When we returned to the fire I was talking to 2 friends when someone came up behindn them in the dark and drop firecarackers behind them exploding.
I followed the worm to a picnic table full of men who were drinking and confronted the coward in a less than diplomatic manner.( It is true that I raised my voice and used foul language)
Hwe refused to respond to my initial question when a thug at the end of the table asked me why it was any of my fucking business. and I told him it wasn't funny. I got dmad I used threatening and foul language(which I regret) and I stared around the table towards him and another guy who stood up. As I was alone and there were 6 or 7 of them I picked up one of their wine bottles( a mistake I admit) and went to finish our conversation. He accused me of being the most hostile person he had ever met and this was the second time I had confronted them in a hostile manner (referring to the night before). We both stared getting louder and more threatening when More peaceful and calm guys interceded saying "This is Miguel's man, not here, not cool etc." I backed off and he kept yelling stuff to which I very maturely responded. But that was the end of it. My friends helped me calm down. I sat for awhile by my tent and I felt rotten.
I wish I had handled it better. Calmer. With love instead of anger and aggressiveness./ That I didn't makes me aware of the growing still in front of me. To any one there that saw my response I am sorry.

After about an hour I deceded that I had to tell that table of guys that I was sorry for my loud, threatening behavior. I approached the group, and directed my attention to the loudest one and told him I was sorry for my behavior. Not surprisingly he yelled at me that the apology was not accepted and I was a big asshole(at times probably true)

He continued to rant about this was the Red and if I wasn't a climber I had no business at Miguel's or in the Red and I should leave and never come back. Blah , blah, blah.
I told him it wasn't necessary for him to accept my amends but I was sorry for my part.
I packed my tent and stuff and drove back home.
I will never stay at Miguel's again.
I try to be a good man but all that comes
of trying is I feel more guilty.
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Post by Andrew »

It seems to be getting worse and worse at miguels. I think we need Joe back.
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Post by Wes »

Not so much worse, as just more and more people. I think Miguel's is one of the coolest climbing campgrounds in the US, maybe the world, if you are there during the week, not during spring break time. Otherwise, I almost never stay there. Lot's of other options out there, so I hope you find something that works for you. Sucks that it has to be the way it is though.
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Post by pigsteak »

miguel's pie rocks..the camping does not.
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by Artsay »

I'm sorry for you, Christian. What an awful situation to be in. I think the added stress from this BBS environment probably ignited your temper at Miguel's. I really hope that you don't ban yourself from Miguel's. That place needs MORE people like you, not less.
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
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Post by KD »

I used to bring a tent almost everywhere i went and camp. It saved lots of money and was pretty fun. In the last years though, campgrounds all over have been like the situation above. people up drinking too much too late and screaming all night. Every attempt to get people to quiet down or to inform campground managers has been futile. usually i was the bad guy for saying anything. It used to be that koomer ridge was really quiet but that place was loud the last time i was there too. Now i rarely use a tent in a camproundd - preferring my car (more insulation) or a motel/b and b or something. Something else that may have contributed to this situation - though i am reluctant to bring it up - is the recent video with all the pyrotechnics. I have a copy of the dvd, think it is the coolest, and enjoy it a lot. It's just that some people may misinterpret that behavior and assume it is the norm. i think that is why you got the "this is miguels" response that you got.
Horatio Felacio
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Post by Horatio Felacio »

damn man, that sucks. i personally think you should've cracked that wine bottle over the guys skull after you tried to apologize.
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Post by ReachHigh »

This is just upseting. Christian is one of the coolest and most easy going person I have ever climbed with to be treated like that and have this shit going on is a piss off. I was at miguels with my folks for dinner on saturday and I'm glad we weren't disturbed by these fwads.
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Post by big_brother »

Horatio Felacio wrote:damn man, that sucks. i personally think you should've cracked that wine bottle over the guys skull after you tried to apologize.
Why would you even suggest something like that? He shouldn't have to appologize to those assholes!
Worst. Post. Ever.
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Post by stix »

This shit is ridiculus. Living there i would see this stuff all the time. I like to think you only need to stand up and call one of the meatheads bluff and beat him till he can barely drive his mommy bought car back up the road and it would take care of some of these problems. Chances are i'm wrong though. Sure would feel good though wouldn't it.

Miguel's is the best climber campground i've ever been in so imagine what it's like elsewhere.

Looks like it's time to find a new sport.
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