Hey Michelle-If you wouldn't mind, can we firmly establish that you your not nearly as attractive as your name is sexy and that you are annoyed by short people? Thanks
hmm my name being sexy, well i never really thought so, but hey. as for me being so....
and as far as being annoyed by short people, not really. otherwise i would be pretty annoyed by myself.
Michelle, I just remembered that my students are going to be CATS testing during that time. I would have gone in a heartbeat otherwise. I really hope you find someone to go with! Thailand is not an opportunity that I pass up lightly. Sorry, girl... I know there has got to be someone... a trip for under a grand? To Thailand? AGH!
Hello Michelle-Just wanted to thank you for the outgoing and generous offer, so rare and unexpected as to be difficult to believe. Have you considered a post to a wider group (rockclimbing.com)?
Thanks guys for all the "Wish I could go....but I can't." Glad to know people do want to get out. Nick, we could always stuff you in a haul bag. Thanks on the hat.
As for posting on rockclimbing.com...not so sure. I like the fact that I could meet the person/people i would be traveling with before I go. we all have been on the road trips from hell with people we didnt know.
reallly...you want to know how hard...well see that depends on the day, the route, the belayer. basically i need to stop being such a wuss and start climbing. anyhow, i can pull up to 11+12- on tr and 10+ 11- on a lead. not a pus...just too many excuses.