drastic idea for Torrent Falls

Access, Rehab Projects, Derbyfests and more...

Post by Guest »

naw, you have obviously found this message board. Might I suggest that when you are planning a trip you post up on the personals forum for sponsors to take you climbing at Torrent? It won't be difficult. As much as we like to kill people for fun here, we are actually pretty nice!
Posts: 13
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Post by naw »

That's a possible suggestion, but I think you'll probably end up with a locals only crag in the end. I don't know how other people feel, but I don't really feel that I need a babysitter to go climb a few routes after I've driven 8 hours and paid a 2.00 donation already. If someone "sponsoring" me consisted of simply signing in with me and then doing their own thing maybe, but I don't want to feel like I'm imposing on someone I've never met before to hold my hand all day. But on the other hand, I guess if the local climbers are going to be responsible for keeping access open then I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be able to climb there even if it does make it more difficult for everyone else. Those of us who don't want to deal with it will just go find other crags, of which there are plenty. I guess maybe that's part of the idea anyway.
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Post by Andrew »

Then start your own private locals only crag, and quit whining about feeling left out. I still think mark should just close it.
Living the dream
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Post by naw »

spoken like a true asshole local
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Post by neuroshock »

naw wrote:spoken like a true asshole local
in all seriousness, WTF?

it's private land. if the endgame is either "closed" or "locals only"...what's the difference to you? besides feeling left out and/or not privileged :roll: are you selfish enough to have the stance of, "well, if i can't be there, no one else should"

there are plenty of other crags at the Red (that is, until peoples' actions get them closed, too) so just go elsewhere

might as well close it. my thoughts are the odds of 100% compliance preventing closure by May 1st with < 2 months notice are slim. therefore, Torrent will get swarmed by everyone wanting to send their project before closure...making it more crowded than ever and even harder to abide by the rules set forth.

note: i'm not a local
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Post by neuroshock »

neuroshock wrote:might as well close it.
giving it a little more thought, i take that back. i think the odds are hugely against us, but there's still a chance.

...and i'd like to have an opportunity to try BMT :D
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Post by itmeansgod »

This "drastic solution" seems like it's just a more bureaucratic method of closing Torrent. Of course, Mark should do whatever he sees fit, and it's somewhat possible that he'll close the crag entirely and tell all of his climber friends to go screw themselves, but it's much more likely that the crag's being "closed" will mean that those who know the owner will still get to climb there, and if they ask him if they can bring over a friend or two one day, he'll say yes. This still constitutes closing the crag to the general public. And while this solution isn't terrible (I have a suspicion that a lot of local people will like it, a lot of non-local people won't), or even unlikely, it's exactly what we're trying to avoid, and hopefully it will be the last resort.
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Post by SikMonkey »

The owner might as well close it completely and only let his "friends" come climb there

Hey, in the end, if Mark wants to post regs saying "You can climb but only in a camoflage G-string with midgets hanging on your back" he can do that. You know why? HE IS THE G%$$#^&N LANDOWNER! Let us not forget that. Thank you.

...quitting drinking is kinda like washing your hands after you take a crap...why start now?
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Post by itmeansgod »

I'm pretty sure that only people that work with Mark's daughter should be allowed to climb at Torrent. Those people could then have 6 golden tickets each that they would be allowed to hide in candy bars and give to other people, with each golden ticket being worth one trip to Torrent.
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Post by gunslnga »

naw wrote: of us who don't want to deal with it will just go find other crags, of which there are plenty. .
The whole point of the 4-5 threads on this site right now is to make you aware of the loss/losses of crags, both public and private that is going on as we sit here typing because the few idiots are ruining it for the rest of us. So yes by all means, go to another crag and another so you don't have to conform to some rules, and hopefully you will always have a place to climb. This particular thread has some "EXTREME" ideas being thrown around because sometimes drastic measures have to be taken when drastic actions occur. I don't think it will end up the way you don't like, but if it does, it's because no one thinks they're the probelm and will keep doing it they're way, right or wrong! :roll:
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.....
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