wikipedia wrote:Neither chlorine (e.g. bleach) nor iodine alone is considered effective against Cryptosporidium, and they are limited in effectiveness against Giardia. Chlorine is slightly better than iodine against Giardia..
Yeah, the UV pen sounds cool, but the iodine is yummy. I wish Miquel would offer it as a pizza topping.
By the way, mountain biking to the crag would be painless. We ran into three guys just out biking and they breezed right past us as the road is in good condition (generally) and flat.
Been biking out there since the road was closed. Its a great place to go now.
As far as coming in from upstream or the otp of the ridges it is mostly private or you'd be parking on private. I'm not saying it can't be done, you'd just need to do a little research beyond picking the spot out on the map.
a lot of the crags out that way can be accessed via the "backside". however you must cross PRIVATE PROPERTY to do so. i know for a fact some of the land owners will call the cops or shoot you (or vica versa) if you try this. I think we have enough access problems in the red already, so please stick to the FS road.
Did you guys happen to find my Sam Kreig red-white-and-blue / stars and stripes chalk bag near the base of Into The Purple Valley?
I would like to have it for my own climbing museum.