Does anyone think having a stokes basket, c-collar, splint, Bag valve mask in the muir valley would be a good idea. just with all the new routes going up and the all the new traffic somebody is bound to get injured and having this basic life saving equipment at the base of the valley may save a life or make that broken ankle/leg a lot more comfortable. I work for a fire dept. and may be able to get some old equip. for this idea. I would just need approval from the owners. let me know what you think-pablo
PM me and let's chat. We are reviewing the options. The emergency road along the Valley floor is complete, and that's our first big step.
We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. - Randy Pausch
None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau
Hey me and a buddy are commin over from Colorado to check out the Red. Never been before but way psyched. Anybody gonna be climbing March 28th through the 31th?