Advertising Pro. (not me!)

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Advertising Pro. (not me!)

Post by bentley »

I am an advertising major and sat down with one of my professors for a while today and talked over some of the issues that we / The Red are facing.
He had some interesting insight on a few things such as how to separate the PMRP fundraising effort from the RRGCC but also

A major topic of conversation was "Branding" the fundraising effort and the PMRP. It needs an image; all of our efforts will be far more successful if the PMRP is more than just 700 acres of land in KY. If we can successfully "Brand" the property it has the potential to appeal to more people than just climbers.

That "Brand" or image needs to lead into the fact that donors are giving money to a CAUSE not a GROUP.

I will stop at that for now. I will be in KY all next week. Would anyone be up for meeting in person and further discussing what is going on and where we stand?

Feel free to email me as well:
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Post by Paul3eb »

part of the cause i hope to embed into the rrgcc: helping kids in one of the poorest counties in america.

what i'm doing to make it happen:
-contacted people who ran "mountain hope" last year to set up volunteers for this year
-talked with rro about having a kids' day on the water (i'd like to work out a rock day, too)
-contacted powell county high school about what they might need, whether it's help with things right now or getting supplies next fall
-i still have yet to contact people but i plan on having donation boxes around the red (rro, miguel's, torrent, maybe the shell, subway)
-having another climbers that care day like matt and amy had last year

the free camping might not be an all bad way of getting some groups to take a stakeholder's stance with it. for instance, i'd be worth it for university outdoor groups to support this so they can run programs (climbing and hiking) and be able to camp semi-backcountry. their main choice right now is koomer ridge.

granted, these don't obviously or maybe directly tie into the pmrp but can and do tie into the rrgcc.

anyway, those are my quick thoughts on selling "the cause". i think it can be taken other directions, too. but i'm not as good at thinking those up..
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Post by bentley »

Great ideas but what I was getting at is in the 700 acres that we are trying to purchase has so much potential. The ultimate "cause" of this fundraiser is to secure the use of this land. If say an oil company purchased the land it could be gated off for any sort of outdoor recreation use.

In short, we need a grassroots "cause". We need to answer the question "Why are we purchasing this property?
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Post by Artsay »

Bentley - I'll be around. Give me a call 859-489-3861 or send me an email/PM.
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.
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Post by bentley »

Will do!

To further what I said in my first post concerning image:
A few examples, the Mother Lode has a very clear and distinct image as does Roadside. They are totally different and have been defined over time by there typical user groups. The PMRP is young enough that WE can define that image instead of letting it form over time. Granted we do not have total control over that but these type images are formulated for every single product that we are exposed to.
Coke - The American classic soft drink
Pepsi - The soft drink of a younger generation
Both of these are very clear images of these companies.
Climbing is not free. Support your local climbing organization. Labor and money precious resources!
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