Sunshine wrote:Mark is thinking about charging a parking fee. So, what do all the attorneys think? Are there any liability issues? I think it is a good idea.
Liability is one thing, but charging for parking will encourage people to park across the road in the small field. (Call me a cheap bastard, but that's what I would/will do. That lot is a big enough mess as it is - I would welcome an excuse to avoid it.) Wouldn't that cause problems with the church on Sunday mornings?
IANAL - but from my understanding, Mark is already operating a commercial parking lot, and is exposed to a fair amount of liability as it is. I don't know any details (esp. details of KY law), but generally, charging money for something does effectively increase liability risk. He should probably talk with his insurance agent or company.
I am really surprised some snot nosed kid hasn't watched people climbing and then snuck off while the parents aren't looking to try and climb up as high as he can then falling.
The theory of evolution is just as stupid as the theories of gravity and electromagnetism.
I think charging for parking won't fix the problem. I believe the bucket just wasn't obviouse. I've climbing at Torrent countless times and never seen the bucket, but I will make my contributions evertime now. So with that seid I believe if the bucket was more noticable and the requirements to climb posted better than more of the honest people will pay. Those who cheat even when they know they owe will do the same regardless of a parking fee.