What makes you feel weird?

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Post by Saxman »

When you're playing around with scrotal saline injection and the needle moves around, that feels weird. And if the saline is not the right temperature, that feels weird too. Oh, and if you use carbonated water instead, that just hurts.
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Post by littleboxes15 »

I don't understand why Jamen hasn't jumped on auctioning off a "dinner date" for the pendergrass fundraiser yet?
Oh ladies (or gentlemen) time to break out your wallets.
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Post by littleboxes15 »

littleboxes15 wrote:
The images in my head every time I hear the phrase "climbing porn."
Cams in every orifice, Latex harnesses....Oh God make it stop.

ReachHigh said:
How else do you become a hard climber?
Dude, have you been climbing with Ray and Ho?
"All the thing I like to do are either immoral, illegal or fattening"

Post by Guest »

I always feel weird when I'm performing sexual acts with Mike Jones, and Yasmeen is there, cheering us on.
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Post by Yasmeen »

What? It's damn impressive that your leg can bend that far back, Sandy!
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Alan Evil
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Post by Alan Evil »

Doesn't it make you feel weird when you have to take a giant, runny dump in the middle of the food court at the mall? Doesn't it? You know, like in that movie with Tom Cruise and they were all skiing and the guy was trying to steal the other guy's girl? Y'know? It makes me feel really weird because people point and sometimes women scream. The expressions on their faces as the runny poop splatters on the floor makes me feel really weird. You think they'd have the good graces to look away, for cryin' out loud!
[size=75]You are as bad as Alan, and even he hits the mark sometimes. -charlie

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Cliff Heindel
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Post by Cliff Heindel »

Are you saying that you can access powerful, mind-binding substances at the tips of your fingers?
I too, seek this.
'really ?' -fluffy
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