I'm looking for topo maps that outline FS land. I'd like to get an electronic version so I van manipulate it to suit my needs. Anybody know where I can find one?
"Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water."
Not sure where you can get an electronic one. The best and most up to date for the Stanton Ranger Dist is on the wall in the office in Stanton. They color in with green highlighter after acquiring new parcels.
The maps on topo zone do not show land ownership unfortunately.
I'm in my remote sensing class now. The guy that teaches it works for the KY state gov and can get anything related to maps, aerials, satellite, etc. I'll ask him when I get a break.
The maps at the Stanton Ranger Dist office in Winchester are no where near $100.
Really nice maps too. Not electronic, but nice none the less.
Haven't dug into the links posted on this thread yet, but plan too as soon as I am done typing this.
I want a GIS thingie this year...explorin' time.
These don't show land ownership, just general landcover- forest and non-forest. It will probably have Nat'l Forest Boundary, but the boundary doesn't designate ownership. There is private land within the NF.
Best bet is the USGS paper quads and then update them by going to Stanton and looking at the map on the wall in the back hallway.