What an Idiot

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What an Idiot

Post by Kwas »

From http://data2.itc.nps.gov/morningreport/.... I'm not even sure what the hell they did, but it seems like it's pretty stupid to me. Maybe keeping up "foreign relations" ("You know, giving them the bird" "I know what the bird is, goose")....

Joshua Tree National Park (CA)
Conviction for Arson, Vandalism of Natural Resources

Joshua Tree NP has historically been a popular gathering spot for outdoor enthusiasts during the Christmas and New Years holidays. During the 2002 holiday, all park campgrounds and facilities were full. While patrolling the Hidden Valley campground after dark on New Year's Eve, rangers Tim Bertrand and Scott Fischer saw two people on a rock formation above the campground. After hearing the distinctive sound of a tin white gas container hitting the rock, they observed a large fire erupt on the face of the formation. When they identified themselves to the pair, both fled from the area. The rangers apprehended them as they climbed down the back of the formation. They were subsequently identified as Jonathan Thesenga and Erin Whorton. Both were cited for arson, with mandatory court appearances stipulated. Later in the evening, the two rangers were again patrolling the campground. They came across a site with a large fire and several people talking loudly. As the rangers approached the site, they recognized Thesenga and Whorton. Thesenga made several statements indicating that he had no remorse or understanding of what he had done. He stated several times that he planned on doing the same thing next year, and the he would also light several other fires. Thesenga also said that "as the editor," he was not supposed to do things like this. Several days later, the rangers discovered that Thesenga was the senior editor for Climbing Magazine, one of the top two publications on rock climbing. On April 4th, Thesenga and Whorton appeared in federal court. They appeared separately in front of the magistrate, and each pled guilty. Thesenga showed no remorse and did not apologize for his actions to the court. He was sentenced to five years' unsupervised probation, banned from entering the park for five years, and ordered to pay a $1,000 fine. The court also required him to provide copies of the rangers' report and the court proceedings to his employer and the magazine's owner, the Primedia Corporation. Whorton showed remorse and apologized to the court and to the park staff present for her actions. She was sentenced to a $500 fine and three years' unsupervised probation and banned from entering the park for a period of three years.
[Submitted by Jeff Ohlfs, Acting Chief Ranger]
Last edited by Kwas on Wed Apr 16, 2003 10:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SCIN »

Ha! I was there. You can't see any scars on the rock at all.
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Post by Wes »

http://www.rockclimbing.com/forums/view ... &start=150

This starts around page 5, but there is some fun stuff on the first few pages as well.

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Post by Artsay »

We didn't see it because we were warm and cozy in the comfort of our $25 hotel room, but we saw where it happened and it didn't scar the rock at all. White gas burns clean and, from what we heard, most people there thought it was funny and freaky psychedelic to watch (the fire was dripping down the rock). I would've loved to have seen it.

Post by Kwas »

It was stupid and protrays climbers as idots. His actions later in camp were stupid. His action or lack of in court was even more stupid.

At the least he should make a public apology in the mag and be demoted to some unseen support position.
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Post by SCIN »

Funniest thing is it was right on top of old graffitti initials which had been scrubbed off before. It probably helped clean the paint of a bit more!
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Post by Artsay »

I think his attitude was obnoxious but I don't think what he did was a big deal. It was just a little white gas and there wasn't anything that would burn in sight.
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Post by TexasK »

Last edited by TexasK on Wed Oct 22, 2003 3:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
" ...... every day I'm more and more dismayed by the sheer numbers of idiots in this country. I dream of running off into what remains of our wild spaces and .......... "
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Post by SCIN »

Man, it was like a five foot boulder perched up on top of another one. Very minimal compared to the 150 foot face of Raven's Rock.

I agree, the dude was kind of "not thinking" to do such a thing. I wouldn't do it myself either. But man, it really is nothing to lose a job over. That's worse than not letting Tyson fight because he bites a dude's ear off!
Yo Ray jack dynomite! Listen to my beat box! Bew ch ch pff BEW ch ch pfff! Sweet!

Horatio Felacio
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Post by Horatio Felacio »

i would by really psyched if shannon did that. it would show that the rrgcc might actually have a few real climbers in the organization who don't give a shit about what people think and who try to get away from all the pc bullshit found in normal everyday life. it makes me pround to see acts like the ones described in joshua tree. i was there about 3 weeks ago and was talking to a friend of the girl. he said it was pretty funny. he also said that in previous years there was a lot less stuff like that going on in the park at new years eve. this year apparently they tried to "tighten" down security. he said everyone gathered around and was fucking around with the rangers. it sounds like the nps brought it upon themselves. i'm glad. i think i'm gonna go pour gasoline all over sky bridge and light it up. maybe then i'll go to some arch. sites and turn the remains into powder, mix it with paint, and grafitti the rocks all over the red. then i'll let the whole forest on fire of course.
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